P1 Stunt Bio Repaint (new Pics)


Sr Member
Hey all. Been looking at my P1 stunt for awhile and haven't been happy with how it looked so decided to try a redo on it. Started off by fixing the fins at the back (or whatever you call them lol) and making them more level with each other. Then I made the gap between the eyes a bit smaller. Also I made the brow a bit more symmetrical. I decided to go with real damage this time. It's something it wanted to do when I got the bio but couldn't bring myself to cut into the stunt :unsure: lol. I'v still yet to add the visor so might post some pics up when there in. Picture isn't great because of my crap camera but you get the idea. Anyway let me know what you think. Cheers. :)

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Cheers. As i said my camera isn't that good, it looks much better in person. Really tried to match the screen used one as best i could. Once I have the visor/mesh in I will see if I can take some better pictures.
Thank you man, coming from you that's a real complement. I do love your work you have done on your Stunts in the past. Yeah I really wanted to add real looking damage to the bio just because it just looks better. In that scene when the camera pans up from arnie and the predator is over him the paint work of the damage looks so real its amazing. Seeing I cant paint that well I thought that I would just add it for real lol. I wasn't going to add the real damage on the forehead at first but but then I thought what the hell.  :)
This is a fantastic job dude! I agree, the real markings do make it POP. And the subtle blending of the paint job makes this a wonderful bio!
Kammo said:
This is a fantastic job dude! I agree, the real markings do make it POP. And the subtle blending of the paint job makes this a wonderful bio!
Cheers man, much appreciated. The secret weapon as always is dry brushing  :p. You can control the blending a lot more than using something like a sponge. I don't have an air brush so I have to make do with what I'v got to hand. Oh and by the way there is a silver/gunmetal base coat that does show through in person. Unfortunately in the pictures it does look a bit colour heavy, but I assure people it is in there  :unsure: lol
looks great!!! man ..i really need to find time to remold. maybe when all the Halloween silicone mask madness is done i can get to it. I love seeing these pop up and you did a beautiful job on the repaint
ptgreek said:
looks great!!! man ..i really need to find time to remold. maybe when all the Halloween silicone mask madness is done i can get to it. I love seeing these pop up and you did a beautiful job on the repaint
Thanks dude! Means alot :). Yeah man, everyone needs to experience the holy grail that is the P1 stunt bio. I think if you start making them again they will sell like hot cakes for sure.  (y)
I think you did a bang up job on re-creating the paint of the original.  It's spot on for the blast marks, vertical lines and overall color and tone.  Kudos dude...this is right on par with replicating a screen used Bio to the point where you can't tell which is the real one ;)
PredatrHuntr said:
I think you did a bang up job on re-creating the paint of the original.  It's spot on for the blast marks, vertical lines and overall color and tone.  Kudos dude...this is right on par with replicating a screen used Bio to the point where you can't tell which is the real one ;)
Wow thank's man. I really wasn't trying to get it to look 100% screen accurate with the colour because that would be impossible. Instead I just wanted it to look pretty messed up just like it had been in the jungle and battles. I still believe that there is a lot more colour in the screen used one than pictures let up. I think while on-set there old cameras tend to bleach out all the colours these things have. I say to anyone who what's to paint one up just look at the film footage at the end, lots of colour in the bio. Of course I wanted to put in the classic bits that everyone knows so it looked close. Bit of a regret with blast mark on top, I wish I had brought it a bit further forward (there's me saying I didn't want it to be 100% accurate lol  :p. Cheers again dude.
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