Osha the wildling costume from Game of Thrones


Sr Member
So with my Jawa costume nearly complete, I'm looking ahead to doing an Osha the Wildling costume for the GF.
If you're not familiar, Osha is the wildling girl who goes north with Bran, Rikon and Hodor in Game of Thrones.

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Looking around online I have not come up with as much reference material as I had hoped for. While there are several GOT costume displays, I've seen none of this one. Also, I have not been able to find any fan made version of it. So if anyone has links to either of those, please post them up.

For now, I'm looking at these basic parts for it:

Robe - not sure on fabric yet, but I think I saw some cosplay fabric possibilities at Joann
Teal colored piece that goes over her robe (what is this called?) - I have my eye on a heavy outdoor fabric from Joann that might work, but it would probably need to be dyed
Staff (spear) - Osha is shown whittling on this in the show and it appears to be about 1 - 1 1/2 feet taller than her. I stashed a limb that should be about right and will add the leather wrap to it in the middle
Neck ruff - I'll need to find a pattern or instructions on how to make this piece
Belt - I can cut this out of leather and dye it, but I'll need to source a buckle
Boots - No idea on this yet, they appear to be fabric boots with wrappings around them
Hose - she has some type of hose or hosen that covers her calf area between the boots and the bottom of the robe.
Knife / Sheath - I'm hoping to maybe scrounge a plastic kid's short sword or large costume knife that I could modify and re-paint, but if not I may just have to make the entire thing from wood

She also has a cloak with a fur collar (shown in the first pic above), but for now that piece is probably outside my scope for this costume. I might add the pillowcase looking sack she carries, since that would be simple for me to do.

Any ideas, suggestions or advice is welcome.
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Do you have an HBO subscription? I used that and screenshotting to get more reference for my Jon Snow cosplay.

....that's all I GoT.
All I can say is that given the nature of the character, I would avoid fabrics that are too nice, I'd go with fabrics that appear rough and homespun. I'd look for fabrics that are somewhat rough in appearance and I'd probably also rough up the fabric in places to make it look more worn and used.
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thx for the suggestions guys. Using screenshots and this site:

I've been able to get some more reference.

osha-knife.jpg osha-pommel.jpg

The knife appears to have a leather sheath and a metal pommel. I will have to make the knife out of wood and I'm thinking Milliput to sculpt out the pommel.

I have determined the handle is made of antler. So now my idea is to check the pet stores for antler dog chews and maybe I will get lucky enough to find one the right shape and size.

osha-belt-buckle.jpg belt-buckle.jpg

Her belt buckle has a center bar. I've found a couple in the ballpark, but nothing close to the correct shape.
Anyone have suggestions on where to look? I'm planning on checking Tandy leather, since I will need some leather cord to wrap her spear.
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went to work on my limb this weekend and after some modifications, I've got something I'm fairly happy with.

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I originally thought the leather wrap was done with a long flat strip of leather, but it's actually round leather cord. Got some on order and will get it glued on when it comes in to complete this piece.

Finding a belt buckle with one end flat, one rounded end, a center bar and opening of 1 1/2" has been harder than I thought. For now i'm looking at 2 possibilities, neither of which is really correct. Obviously, I would have to re-paint the nickel one.

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My leather cord came in and i wrapped the staff, it's just under 7 ft tall, which i think is good for her at 5'2".
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Also found some gray slouch boots. My plan is to turn these into Osha's boots after removing the straps and adding wraps and weathering.

Had no luck finding an accurate looking antler end for the knife handle. So now my plan is to turn this branch end into the handle after some filler, carving and paintFullSizeRender.jpg

...also found 2 fabric possibilities for the neck ruff and sash:
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making some progress on the knife and sheath, pics coming soon.

In the meantime, i'm still on the hunt for the fabric for her teal/green tabard.
It looks to me like a heavy woven fabric with a herringbone pattern. Something like monk's cloth, but that has a different pattern to it. The fabric would be something heavy probably used for blankets, sweaters, etc. I would need it in a white or natural color so I could attempt to dye it.

Any ideas?
This is the best pic I have of it:
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thank you for the link. That looks right in the center and pretty close on the "pointy end", but sadly it's too small. I've estimated the belt to be about 1 1/4" and the buckle looks oversized, so I'm thinking a 1 1/2" or 1 3/4" opening. There seems to be a lot more options for smaller sized buckles, but far less when you need larger.

Here is my knife progress. The blade is oak, the handle is bottle brush branch with leather sheath.
It still needs a lot of work, carving the handle and smoothing the blade, painting, carving the medallion that goes on the end and adding the tip guard to the sheath, but it's coming along.

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Right now, my backup plan for the tabard is to use this fabric from Joann. It has a similar look to it, but I know it is not right, as it's not woven. The upside is it's approx. the right color, would not need dying and with weathering could look decent, plus it's readily available. For now, I'll keep looking.

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I've got all the parts of the knife / sheath about ready for painting. The sheath tip guard is a re-shaped sharpie cap with some added putty on the end and filler.


I ended up making the medallion that goes on the pommel out of sculpey clay.....and for only being the 2nd thing I've ever sculpted, i'm pretty happy with it.
The original vs the one I made. The original looks silver in this pic, but it's actually tarnished gold.

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finished the knife and sheath, so I'm moving on to the robe and neck ruff. Since I used the branch end for the handle and had the leather and paints on hand, my total cost for this piece was just $2.80 for the oak I used to make the blade.


Sooooooo, needless to say this ended up getting put on hold, but with Halloween coming up I was able to finally get it completed.

I ended up getting the Ya Ya Han cosplay fabric from Joann's for the robe. Sadly I think it has now been discontinued at least in the color I bought.

The fabric is great, but the color was off.
On my first attempt I tried to dye over it and even though my testing came up with the right color, when I dyed the bolt it made it even more purple and unusable. So I had to go back, use Rit dye remover on it to get it to a natural (beige) color and then I tried it again (months later) using:
3- rit dye dark brown
3- rit dye black
3- rit dye dark green
all in 15 gallons of water for 1 minute.

Which resulted in the exact dark gray I wanted it to be.
This is the final color with a swatch of what I started with.


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Made the robe really simply by just folding it over length wise and cutting an opening for her head to go through. Then I extended the sleeves, since Osha's sleeves are very long.

After the ordeal with the robe fabric dying, there was no way I was dying something else for this. So I went with the teal upholstery fabric from Joann for the tabard.


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Modified the boots with added wrappings, made the bag from some basic gray cotton fabric with manila rope and sewed a smaller bag inside of it to hold keys, Id, Halloween candy , etc.

This is the complete costume after some weathering, and a pic from the show.
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Made her hand wraps out of scrap robe fabric sewn together so they can slip on and off like gloves.


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I still need to trim the belt to the final length and maybe add some more wreathing, but this is ready for Halloween.

Cost breakdown:
Robe fabric $60
Dye (2 batches) + dye remover $65
Knife blade wood $3
Leather cord for staff $10 (tree branch = free!)
Belt buckle $5
Tabard fabric, bag fabric & miscellaneous $28
Bag rope $6
Neck ruff / sash fabric $5
Boots $30

Total: $212 which I'm happy with for the result. The costume doesn't have a lot of "wow" to it but it's a nice change from the Star Wars costumes I usually do.

I am still planning on making the final piece which is the cloak with the oversized fur collar and will update this post when it's done...probably a few months from now.
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