2014 will go down in infamy for Megacon. It was a perfect storm. Multiple conventions were happening at the Convention Center at one time and if you didnt get there by a certain time...GOOD LUCK! Saturday was GRIDLOCK after 9:30-10 ish
And they totally underestimated the crowd. They had a Walking Dead panel that folks waited in line for hours with just one guy directing the crowd. I knew someone who was number 60 something in line, but once the doors opened, selfish people just swarmed in and those who had waited for hours were denied entry.
They have fixed that issue.
Get there early. Parking at Pointe Orlando means a short walk to the Centers vs Convention center parking, and waiting to be bused in.
Yeah. When my ex, myself and her son were close enough to see the building, but still probably about a mile away in the car, we would easily not move for a good 20+ mins at a time.
Of the other events that day, there was some cheerleading thing for young girls.
A few cars behind us, this Mother and dressed up cheerleader starts walking down the road, as they probably needed to be to their event real soon. Here it is around 9:30 to 10am, 90+ degrees out with a million percent humidity. Hopefully they made it, but not sure anyone could even think to preform after all that speed walking.
We ended up parking about a mile away at Publix.
At one point I needed to get outside for a quick emergency call (not 911).
Myself with a few others were having the worst time finding the actual exits. Some doors took you to an off limits area out side, so the limited staff were denying anyone to go out that way.
A few people were panicked. There was thing suited up pretty official looking guy with a radio trying to help.
I told him that this day was completly nuts and extremely dangerous and how no staff seemed to have any clue on what was going on. Probably a few other things. He actually looked quite worried over it all.
Not sure of his job title, and if saying helped, because by the next year, they were much more on the ball with stuff.
I figured for the next year I wouldn't even bother getting a ticket for the showroom floor and I would just stay in the lobby area and enjoy all the cosplay....but nope, that was changed, and really, for the better.