original nubian royal cruiser cockpit seats ,any idea of value?


New Member
hi all im still trying to get an idea of the value of my 2 original nubian royal cruiser seats from phantom menace ,i been asked for a selling price by a few members of the forum but im finding it hard to settle on a selling price ,any help would be great ?theres pictures in my album and also in an earlier post .i dont want to give them away but at the same time i dont want to over price them to a collector .http://www.therpf.com/members/ashtattoo/albums/nubian-royal-cruiser-original-cock-pit-seats/
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Around five years ago or thereabouts I was offered a pilot's seat from the Phantom Menace's Republic Cruiser set, by the guy owned both of them.

He asked around £1,000 if I remember correctly. I was tempted as it looked very nice, and still had most of the dressing on the back.

... I don't know whether or not the value of 'Prequel Props' has gone up or down since then, but you might take that as a starting point, adjusting for the amount of screen time your seats get, (and the celebrity status of the backsides that sat on them!) :$

(Hope that helps a tiny bit!)
If they were mine I would price them similar to movie chairs I have seen sell in the past.

$800-$1500 would seem a reasonable amount.