Sr Member
I have been doing some research and trying to tie together the whearabouts of the costumes from the original film. Since no reproductions, that I am aware of, have ever been offered, it wont be hard to tell the real deal from reproductions.
Heres a quick synopsis of the costumes as seen in the film:
Dallas-Adult Previously located at Planet Hollywood/ Now unknown. Boots sold via PSOL auction location unknown. Helmet may be in Bob Burns collection.
Lambert-Adult Helmet possiblly located in Bob Burns collection/AKA converted Ripley.Complete pack, armor in the collection of Bob Burns
Kane-Adult Helmet and undersuit located at Prop Store of London. Possiblly non-original chest/shoulder armor. No backpack. Location unknown.
Kane /FACEHUGGER HELMET_ Possiblly the Kane or Dallas helmet that was cut in half to reveal the face hugger. I have never seen any post production pics of this helmet.
Kids costumes:
Dallas- hemet/ undersuit in collection of Bob Burns/ other parts unknown
Lambert- location unknown was sold via auction previously. Appears complete in auction pics.
Kane -location unknown
Ripley- This is an interesting costume as the helmet is reportedly Lamberts without a upper light repainted white. Pack is a smaller size kids pack painted white{ Unknown which kids pack/ not Lambert pack). Chest/shoulder armor from unknown source. Undersuit has a different/original sewn pattern. Different gloves.
Ripley/ALIENS_ Helmet appears at beginning of film but now has the light attached. Unsure if its the same helmet reassembled or not.
If anyone has any info related to these costumes any help would be appreciated.
Heres a quick synopsis of the costumes as seen in the film:
Dallas-Adult Previously located at Planet Hollywood/ Now unknown. Boots sold via PSOL auction location unknown. Helmet may be in Bob Burns collection.
Lambert-Adult Helmet possiblly located in Bob Burns collection/AKA converted Ripley.Complete pack, armor in the collection of Bob Burns
Kane-Adult Helmet and undersuit located at Prop Store of London. Possiblly non-original chest/shoulder armor. No backpack. Location unknown.
Kane /FACEHUGGER HELMET_ Possiblly the Kane or Dallas helmet that was cut in half to reveal the face hugger. I have never seen any post production pics of this helmet.
Kids costumes:
Dallas- hemet/ undersuit in collection of Bob Burns/ other parts unknown
Lambert- location unknown was sold via auction previously. Appears complete in auction pics.
Kane -location unknown
Ripley- This is an interesting costume as the helmet is reportedly Lamberts without a upper light repainted white. Pack is a smaller size kids pack painted white{ Unknown which kids pack/ not Lambert pack). Chest/shoulder armor from unknown source. Undersuit has a different/original sewn pattern. Different gloves.
Ripley/ALIENS_ Helmet appears at beginning of film but now has the light attached. Unsure if its the same helmet reassembled or not.
If anyone has any info related to these costumes any help would be appreciated.