Sr Member
So, I thought it is time for first pictures.
I started this project in... maxbe it was August 2010, and it takes forever, because I work on that between exams and other things I have to do... And my work shop is miles away, so I cant go through a backdoor and can start to work.
So I work not much on it, but maybe it gets better through this situation.
I started first to cut the pipes, make the end caps and fill everything, sand it, basic paint, sand it again, basic paint the 2nd, sanding and first paint job with high glossy grey. After all there were some cuts and breaks in it, so I fill everything a 2nd time and have to paint it a 2nd time...
Der Winter kommt... Und aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen das es kein Spaß macht im winter an Props zu werkeln. Heute hab ich noch mal ein paar Kleinigkeiten erledigt und schonmal Farben und Lacke in Sicherheit gebracht, bevor der Frost kommt...
Ob werde dieses Jahr sicherlich noch was machen, aber wenn der erste Frost kommt ist es erstmal vorbei mit dem Bauen. Nichts desto trotz hab ich jetzt nochmal Bilder gemacht:
Sidetanks, I think they are ok, but lets see how they look after screwing the holes for the boxes and lights.
The gun,need to be painted and some details, of course the boxes are still missing:
Gun Grip:
Gun Cone, filled again (it drives me mad after breaking a few times)...
It will look like this after all parts are assembled, it needs some fantasy to imagine the finished prop, but Im sure it will get better with the time.
Maybe it will look like that when the gun is in action.
Hopefully I will make it till Halloween 2011 and the movie days here in germany.
Thanks for watching...
I started this project in... maxbe it was August 2010, and it takes forever, because I work on that between exams and other things I have to do... And my work shop is miles away, so I cant go through a backdoor and can start to work.
So I work not much on it, but maybe it gets better through this situation.
I started first to cut the pipes, make the end caps and fill everything, sand it, basic paint, sand it again, basic paint the 2nd, sanding and first paint job with high glossy grey. After all there were some cuts and breaks in it, so I fill everything a 2nd time and have to paint it a 2nd time...
Der Winter kommt... Und aus Erfahrung kann ich sagen das es kein Spaß macht im winter an Props zu werkeln. Heute hab ich noch mal ein paar Kleinigkeiten erledigt und schonmal Farben und Lacke in Sicherheit gebracht, bevor der Frost kommt...
Ob werde dieses Jahr sicherlich noch was machen, aber wenn der erste Frost kommt ist es erstmal vorbei mit dem Bauen. Nichts desto trotz hab ich jetzt nochmal Bilder gemacht:
Sidetanks, I think they are ok, but lets see how they look after screwing the holes for the boxes and lights.
The gun,need to be painted and some details, of course the boxes are still missing:
Gun Grip:
Gun Cone, filled again (it drives me mad after breaking a few times)...
It will look like this after all parts are assembled, it needs some fantasy to imagine the finished prop, but Im sure it will get better with the time.
Maybe it will look like that when the gun is in action.
Hopefully I will make it till Halloween 2011 and the movie days here in germany.
Thanks for watching...