OK - what paint will stick to resin?!?!?!


Sr Member
I cant even get primer to stay on... just a touch with my fingertip pulls it off... whats the trick?
bad resin mix , type or wrong paint. what kind of resin...is it weeping sap? what kind of primer? is it oil or acrylic? laquer?
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First. What kind of "resin"?

What was it molded in?

Did you wash off any release?

Just about any paint should stick fine.
it is smooth-on's smooth-cast 320 (?) molded in an RTV mold... I did my best to get all the release agent off - the primer is krylon spray...

is there a special way I can make sure the release is totally off?
cool - I'll give that a try :thumbsup

modelcitizen - I know exactly what you mean... I started sandpapering it, and about 2 minutes in, I had more than enough, LOL
Last ditch effort: put it in the oven and bake at a very LOW setting for a couple hours. It cures mild weeping by baking/drying the resin out. I've had pretty good luck with this.
Give it a bath in soap (dish soap) and water, rinse well and then wipe it down with alcohol just before painting to remove any body oils from handling...

Should he wear, say, latex gloves after the soap, so that he doesn't re-deposit body oils as he's alcohol-wiping them off?
Almost forgot. If do do put it in the oven, don't prime itor it will stink to high heaven.
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Give it a bath in Dawn liquid detergent or Simple Green. Both will cut through weeping resin without destroying anything they touch.

Dry it off and then let it air dry (a towel will never get in all the nooks and crannies). Then dust it with a little bit of talcum powder and let it sit. If it's still weeping, you'll see changes in the talcum. If it stays dry, wash off the talcum, let dry and paint away.

I've done it for years and never had a problem with it. :confused

'Cause after the first time, you burned out all of your tastebuds, so now, you don't know any better.

Either that, or you enjoy the taste of polyester resin and try to add it to all of your food.

;) :lol :lol :lol

'Cause after the first time, you burned out all of your tastebuds, so now, you don't know any better.

Either that, or you enjoy the taste of polyester resin and try to add it to all of your food.

;) :lol :lol :lol


Polyester resin is pretty innert. You can pretty much eat it and be fine...but..please don't.

Yah, its not the resin dude, its the way the resin was mixed. Its still uncured. Also, was it the first pull ? Sometimes tin based silicones aren't cooked or washed correctly, it will emit by product that interferes with the first casting of anything.
two things to add...one, smooth-on 320 is a polyurethane, not a polyester..big difference lol... you could eat it but would break your teeth off. second, it's not the resin, it's most likely the release agent left over on the resin.... most if not all release agents are parafin or a wax.after casting, the result a wax as the chemical reaction with the mold and resin cure takes place...you should be able to clean with acetone or laquer thinner with no ill effects and it will completely remove the release agent., wear gloves regardless..hope this makes a little sense anyway...
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