OH NO!! Peter Graves passed away....

"Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?

Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.

Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked? "

He will be missed.
I heard he had a disease that first starts with dry mouth and blurred vision then uncontrolable twitching pretty soon he lost all bodily functions until he was a quivering bowl of jelly.

RIP Peter Graves!
I usually don't care about "celebrity deaths" but I got a lot of joy out of his work on MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE when I was a boy, so there's that. He made a mark on society, which is more than most.
Sad news. I think I'll plug Stalag 17 into the DVD player tomorrow, even though it's not xmas. RIP Mr Graves
Thats it, I am putting in my copy of Airplane 2 tonight!

"Damn it if I've told them once I've told them one hundred times STORE EXTRA COFFEE!"
Lets all put on some tangerine lip gloss in honor of one of the greatest actors!

Mission: Impossible is, by far, my favorite show EVER and probably the only show I have seen EVERY episode of - 'cept for maybe Brady Bunch or Cheers or something. But most definitely the ONLY drama show I have seen ALL episodes!

I own all 7 season on DVD and hope that they put out the 90s season soon.
He was a great one. I grew up on Mission Impossible and I second what someone already said about the Mission Impossible remake, his Jim Phelps was not and never would have been a traitor.

RIP MR Phelps.