Freddy Vs. Predator

Wolven Hunter

New Member
    "The children were always told to check their closets and under their beds for the boogeyman before they went to sleep every night. Never were they told to fear their dreams. They called me the Springwood Slasher. I was the friendly neighborhood child murderer the parents feared. Even the name Krueger made them cower away from the streets. I was out for revenge, in my time alive, and in the nightmares of the children on Elm Street. The fear that the town has of me spread, but soon vanished, which my powers weakened. I had to call upon Jason Voorhees to get me out. He did his job, after putting me through hell. I regained control, and continued to put blood streaks across the map. But what was to come, I could never prepare for."

    Allan switched on the news before school. ‘Probably just another murder or two. You know, the usual’ He thought to himself. He spent more time thinking about his plans for today than actually watching. He sipped his steaming black coffee and stared deeply into it as it swirled. He thought about Macy, he thought about his friends… but he choked up on the image of his father. Mr. Jones died in a fatal car accident on the nearby highway, and the body was never found. He stared out the window, sobbing. He finished his books, finished his third cup of coffee and left.
    He arrived to school a bit early. Allan leaned up against his truck and stared at the school. "Springwood High, my home…" He sighed. His mood got better when he saw Kim walking towards him. "Hey Kim. Where’s Davy Boy?"
    "He should be here shortly. Car troubles again. His Dad is helping, so he can’t take long."
    "Alrighty. Where’s Macy? I can’t find her."
    "Don’t know. Look, she may already be inside. We can walk to Biology and see if we run into her."
    "Beats standing here. This summer heat is killing me." Allan whined as they started slowly stepping towards the school.
    Kim looked at him. "They’re saying it’s the hottest one in a decade."
    Allan just smiled and thought, ‘I can believe that. Oh well, more parties and bikinis.’ He chuckled.
    She looked at him again, this time more quizzical. "What?"
    "Nothing," as he busted out laughing. She chased him all the way to Mr. Turner’s Biology 2 class. They took their seats. Allan looked at Kim. She had been his best friend since 2nd grade. Thankfully her and Macy were close friends, so she never got jealous. He laid his head on his desk. He blinked a few times, and then all the sudden the class was staring at him, dead silent. They just glared. Mr. Turner just faced the board. He started to speak, but it didn’t sound like him.
    "Okay class, let’s start today with my favorite subject. Kids with dead parents." Came the deeper, more harsh voice. It laughed and he stuck out his right arm. It had a glove one it. One with knives for fingernails. He placed it on the board and pulled it slowly across, screeching it the whole way. Then, he, whoever HE was, laughed when Allan cringed. He turned and faced Allan. It wasn’t Mr.Turner. This man was badly burnt and was wearing a red and green sweater, covered in char and soot. There was big brimmed, brown, burnt fedora resting on his fleshy head. The glove was obviously made by this creep, and those knives didn’t seem dull either. He smiled as the other side of Allan’s desk had a piece of metal covered in spikes turn and close off my only escape from my seat. I was trapped. "Allan, let’s have you tell us the story of your father. Tell us about how he burnt alive like me." Allan screamed. He rocked his desk, trying to escape when the man starting walking towards him. The long, black jeans took their time on their approach. The rubbery track on the bottom of his boots made his steps silent, but the danger was obvious.
    Allan burst awake to his normal classroom by a great thunder crack. He turned to the window and everyone was staring outside. He was relieved not at him. The sweat drenched his T-shirt he was gasping for air. Kim came over and yanked him. She thrust him to the window, and he saw it. There was a giant meteor gliding through the sky. It was flaming as it approached the woods a few miles from the school. Then the flames stopped, and it just looked like a clear sky. No thud for impact. Nothing. Mr. Turned looked at the class with his bald head gleaming in the light. "Well, seems like it burnt away before impact. Sorry kids, no astronomy field trip to the woods. Go sit down." They sighed and retuned to their chairs and relaxed. Everyone except Allan. He was still shaking.

    The ship softly touched the soft ground in a opening patch of grass in the woods. It was still cloaked, and the cockpit opened up. Another thud resonated from an invisible source. The sound of electricity shorting out came from where the source of the thud was. The Hunter stood from his kneeling position and looked around. He was tall, and a bit more muscular than his fellow brother Yautjas. He was very well equipped. He had a plasma caster on both shoulders, extended wristblades, a spear, a smartdisk, and a ceremonial knife and bow. The bow had two dozen arrows to accompany it. His biomask was of a classic design, except there were evenly spaced spikes going down along the crest, and the top mandible space. They were short spikes, so they were useless in battle, but very intimidating. He lunged to the closest tree top and looked at the surrounding town. He zoomed in on a wooden sign. "Welcome to Springwood".

    He answered the door, and he looked horrible. His hair was a mess, his eyes were baggy, and the dark circles were astoundingly protruding to the eye. His clothes were dirty, and tattered. It was Sunday, and he hadn’t changed clothes since Friday, and hasn’t slept since Thursday. Macy stood there in shock, and finally caught her breath enough to ask, "My god, what’s wrong?"
    "Umm… Nothing. Just, nothing. I’m fine," he said as he hid his coffee behind his back. It had been his second cup in the past hour. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand and stretched.
    Macy motioned to Lexie and they went up to him. They took his arms and guided him to the couch. They took his coffee, and went to pour it out. Of course, they had to convince him to hand it over first. He held onto it like it was his holy grail. Lexie went out to the kitchen to grab some beers. Macy sat beside him, and wrapped her athletic arms around him. "Okay baby, you need to tell me what’s up."
    "It’s nothing, I promise."
    "Shut up. Just stop. It is beyond obvious that something is troubling you."
    "I’ve… Been having these nightmares…" He began. She froze, but didn’t speak. The thought of what he probably was going to say next terrified her. He continued, "They are always similar. But one thing connects them all together in the end. There’s this man-" Macy shuddered, "with this glove. This glove has these razor sharp blades at the end of each finger. He wears a sweater, almost a Christmas sweater, and this big brimmed hat. The sweater, the fedora, and his own skin is all burned up. And in all these nightmares, these girls in white dresses sing this nursery rhyme. Slowly, in the dark. It echoes in my head, and I can feel the evil involved in it. The name Freddy keeps coming up. Either from him, the girls, or random things from the dream. It terrifies me. He is so real, and the reason I’ve stopped sleeping is because once, in the dream, he cut me. I woke up being rushed to the hospital with this huge slash down my arm. Almost locked me up for attempted suicide. This has been going on for weeks. Why I’m not dead yet, I don’t know. But I’m going to fight this for as long as I can."
    She didn’t speak. She just took his hand and held it tight. Her touch was soft and soothing. Lexie came back in, and Macy ran into the abandoned kitchen. She went down the hallway adjoining it and ran into the bathroom. She threw up into the toilet, and started crying. The fear of what was happening scared her out of her mind. ‘He can’t be haunting Allan, too. That’s impossible!’
    Davy Boy and Kim laid along the shoreline of the lake, looking at the stars. They had been there for a few hours, and had no intentions on leaving. The heat was cooling off, and the grass was moist. It was romantic and hypnotic. Davy Boy took Kim’s hand and looked her into her eyes. They smiled. Davy Boy leaned over and kissed her, long and passionate. After what felt like an eternity, the lock broke. "Kimmy, I love you," David whispered.
    She leaned over to him and whispered in his ear, "I love you too."
    A scratchy voice seemed to echo around the lake. "Awww, how sweet. A couple of such sweet love. Too bad you’ll have to experience ‘till death do us part’ so soon," the voice wheezed. Then, it laughed deeply and threateningly. Roots shot up out of the ground and ensnared the two teens, and held them over the lake. The moon turned and a face appeared. It was a burnt, fleshy face that glared at them. He smiled. He wore a hat, but nothing more of him could be seen. "Wedding present from Fred Krueger!" He chuckled. The lake turned into boiling water, and the roots and vines turned into metal hands. It started to lower them into the searing pot below. All the sudden, Davy Boy’s chest exploded, and blood splattered everywhere. Kim disappeared from the dream after waking up. Freddy looked. "No, no, NO! Where are they?" He screamed. He swallowed David, and then used his mortal body to see what was happening. Freddy couldn’t move the corpses unresponsive limbs. But he did see this large, muscular figure watching Kim run. It came over to the body and ripped the head off of the corpse with the spine still attached. The thing brought the head right up to his face, looking into it’s eyes. Freddy stared right back into the black visor of this masked figure. "Soooo, you’re the little bitch taking my kills," the head said. The Hunter was startled. The Predator dropped Davy’s head and blasted it with its plasma caster. The skull exploded, and its brains splattered across the grassy ground. The Hunter snarled, and turned to where the other human ran off to. He cloaked and ran in the direction of lights.
    Freddy walked through the refinery. He was slashing at everything around him. "I had to deal with Jason, and now this little bitch in a Halloween costume. Well, no matter. If I can take care of one, I can another."
    Allan opened up his eyes to the sound of whimpering. This time, it wasn’t something in a nightmare or him. He walked out to the living room and saw Kim sitting there, in the arms of the two girls. Allan ran down the hall and grabbed a towel from a closet. He turned around and saw Macy walking to him. "Allan… She is saying his name. She won’t stop saying his name!"
    Allan wrapped his arms around her. "Who baby? Davy?"
    "No… Freddy Krueger…" She whimpered. Tears started flowing from her eyes.
    Allan held her tighter. "Wait, how do you know about his name? I didn’t tell you his name."
    "Because, if you hadn’t realized, I also haven’t slept in a while. He has been after me, too. He just got David first. Soon, it’ll be us," she attempted to say while holding back more tears. She had always been capable of holding back tears when upset. Yet, this scared her. More than her dad, more than losing Allan, even more than the nightmares before today. Allan walked out to the living room. He wrapped the towel around the sobbing Kim. She kept shivering and rocking back and forth uncontrollably.
    "Hey Kim. I’m so, so sorry. I’m going to call your parents and tell them you’re staying with me tonight," Allan managed to say without getting emotional, too. Lexie stood up, whispered a goodbye to Macy, and left.
    Allan went out to the kitchen. He grabbed the phone and dialed the police. He told them about the incident, filling in the blanks on Freddy with a "armed robber". He then called Davy’s family and then Kim’s. The cries coming from both phone calls, cries of agony and grief. Kim’s family was hard to convince to let her stay, but in the end, they agreed through the sobs. It surprised him how much they cared about their daughter’s boyfriend. They must have realized how much he meant to her. Allan hung up the phone, leaned against the wall, slid down it, and started to cry.

    Nobody slept that night. They sat there and watched cheesy comedies, but nobody spoke. Nobody laughed. They sat there in the silence of the night. Every now and then would jump, thinking they heard something move inside the house. After sitting in alert for a few minutes, they'd slip back into their motionless, zombie-like state. Allan stared at Macy. He feared the possibility of loosing her. It was a nightmare worse than Krueger, a nightmare worse than death itself. He was screaming on the inside, but he layed out on the floor under the TV, just as frozen in time as the others.
    The following afternoon, everyone went home except for Macy. She joined Allan for a walk through the park nearby, something to get their mind off things. They had been out on the trail for about an hour, but they weren't about to stop anytime soon. They held hands as they walked, feeling the compassion flow from one hand to the other and back again.
    The silence, the agony, all of it caused Macy to reflect. Her life has always been surronded by dispair. Her mother had died when she was only 3, leaving her with her father. Her dad was much of a improvement. He was an alcoholic crack pipe, and he was living off the government. With food scarce and a man who was potentially very deadly to her, she lived day to day in pain and fear. He started getting worse when she was 12, which caused him to start to abuse her. Physically, sexually, emotionally, and eventually mentally. She barely slept those days, and when she did, it was while her dad was at a bar.
    After all this, she never gave up hope. She took taekwondo, joined a local soccer team, and kept her friends close for the support she needed. Even with all these things, she still feared for her life. Until a year later. A week after her 13th birthday, a police officer showed up at her house. Her father had been shot to death in a drug deal, and there was no chance for him to have been saved when the paramedics showed up. So, she finally got the relief from the torment and she was sent to live with her grandmother in Springwood, Colorado. Her nightmares didn't always have Freddy. It used to be her dad who hunted her in her sleep. Now there is something else that replaces him, and this guy is capable of killing her and all that she loves.
    They walked down a path with forest on both sides. The birds sang and all seemed good. A bush shuck beside Macy. She yelped and got behind Allan. He stood there and stared, but saw nothing. With the sun starting to set, he couldn't see that well into the shade of the trees. He thought he could make out a shape that-
    It sprung out at them and tackled Allan. Macy screamed as she watched him fall to the ground, pinned. "Hi buddy," the figure said before releasing his grip.
    "What the hell Peter!" Yelled Allan as he stood up and brushed off his pants. Peter fell to his knees, laughing uncontrollably.
    "Peter, that was not funny!" Accused Macy. She walked over and slapped him so hard across the face that he fell over. Even after that, he continued to laugh.
    "Wow, I really got you guys, didn't I? Hey, if you see the gang anytime soon, tell them I'll be meeting up with them later. I saw you two, and I couldn't resist," he chuckled as he sat up to look at them. He flipped his blond hair to the side and smiled at his two good friends. He was a tall and slender kid of the same age as Allan and Macy. He was always the Loki of the town, pulling pranks and telling jokes.
    Allan nodded, wrapped his arm around Macy, and they continued walking. Peter layed back down to stare at the clouds, dreaming of his next prank. He smiled with content on his life, and that was one of the miracles of having a relaxed outlook on all things. He loved the park, because the peaceful, scerene enviroment reminded him of how the way he thinks everyone should live.
    There was a noise from over in the woods. "Okay Allan, come out. You can't fool the fool," he called out. There was only silence. Then a clicking noise coming from the trees above. Peter stood up and looked around, but nothing was anywhere to be seen. It came again from a different direction of the woods. It reminded him of a snarl. "Okay you guys, common out."
    He heard echo around him a voise saying, "Peter, that was not funny." It was Macy's voice, but it sounded distorted. Like a recording playing on a scratchy speaker. A thud came from the path in front of him. He stared in the direction of the noise. He could only see a blurry outline, like a ghost, but he wasn't sure if it was human. It raised, and when standing, the figure was about seven and a half feet tall. He turned and ran. He forced his feet hard against the concrete path, running with a speed he never knew he had. He heard heavy thuds coming from behind, approaching swiftly.
    Peter was lifted off the ground by two blades that were driven through his chest. Blood erupted from the impalements coming from his torso, and he screamed. Screamed until his voice got drowned out by blood pouring from his mouth.

    Allan and Macy halted, frozen in place by the scream from a nearby place in the woods. Allan told Macy to keep going torwards home, he was going to go back and check on Peter.

    The hunter dropped the dying human. It snarled and chuckled as he watched the human try to crawl away from him, trailing blood. The Yautja hunter placed his foot on the fleeing, crippled man, and thrusted his hand through his skin. He gripped the spinal column and yanked really hard. It tore skin and flesh, and finally the skull was ripped out. The hunter looked at his trophy. A swift, agile, stealthy trophy for his collection. He examined it, and attached it to his belt. He turned to see another human running for his life down the path. The hunter snarled, and resumed his work. He tore the skin off and tied his legs together. He hung him from a tree hanging over the path. The Yautja recloacked and ran through the trees towards the direction the human ran off to.

    Allan ran and ran. What he had just witnessed scared him more than Freddy. Freddy was sadistic, but this guy was down right ****** up. Allan feared the, thing, might follow him down the path and rip his head off, too. Then, he tripped. He fell, but didnt fall and hit the pavement. Instead, he fell through it. He fell down a hole that seemed like a chimeny. He hit the walls as he fell, collecting soot on his way down. Finally he hit the bottom, knocking the breath out of him. He rolled out of the chimeny into what appeared to be a big boiler room. He was in a factory of some sort. He stood looking around. 'Freddy's home...' he thought to himself.
    He heard a long screetch come from behind him. He spun around quickly and saw nothing but the chimeny. He turned back around, and he was looking straight into the eyes of the burnt man. "Hello Allan," Krueger said with a smile. Allan started walking back, but a fire erupted out of the chimeny, keeping him from going any farther. "Look kid, I'd love to kill you, but I have bigger problems right now. Although, if you don't want to help me, I don't mind giving into temptation," he said. He approached Allan, and raised his glove.
    "What do you want from me?" Asked Allan.
    "You know that costumed freak running around town, killing all your friends? Well, I hate it when someone does my job for me. You need to bring me out of the dream realm, bring me back so I can fight our dreadlock Halloween bitch."
    "So what, you can kill us all yourself?"
    "Exactly!" Freddy laughed. Allan kicked him in the shin. Freddy grunted from the sudden attack. He glared at Allan and lunged with all his might, glove stretched out. Allan twisted and stepped out of the way. Freddy fell into the fire and screamed. Allan ran down past some worker lockers and up some stairs onto the catwalk above. Freddy jumped out and patted the fire out. "Great, more holes needing patching."
    Allan ran through the grating above the boilers and the many machines of the factory. A laugh came from behind him and he looked back. Freddy was running furiously, trying to take revenge for what just happened. Nobody insults the Dream Master. Allan turned left and stopped. There was only wall. He turned around to run the other way, and saw him standing there. "Run run run, as fast as you can. You can't escape me, for I'm the boogeyman," Freddy rhymed, and laughed. He grabbed Allan, by the shoulder and reached his glove back. Allan grabbed his hat and kicked him away.
    Allan woke up. He was laying on the pavement, and everything was swirling. He had trouble remembering what happened. He felt wet on his head, so he reached up and try finding out what was there. He pulled his hand back. 'Is that blood?' He looked at his other hand, and saw a hat in it. He tossed it to the side and rolled onto his back. He thought he heard words, but he wasn't sure. He tried to focus. He kept seeing these images of death, of blood, of evil. He remember the monster, and then he remembered Freddy. He staggered as he attempted to get to his feet. He looked around and saw Macy. She was yelling at him, he just couldn't interprut words. He looked down and saw the hat. He remembered grabbing it off Freddy's head. He lumbered over to it and picked it up. Things became more clear, and he could hear Macy yelling, "Common, let's get out of here!" He turned and tried running, but he kept stumbling. Macy had to help give him support as they paced away from where the hunter had killed Peter.
    It was above them, in the trees. It watched as they walked, jumping from tree to tree. It was curious about the hat. He had watched Allan fall, and he saw he was unconcious. That wasn't an honorable kill, collecting the skull of a target of interest that was immobile, helpless. It had waited for him to rise once again and defend itself. He watched through his thermal scans the heart beat, the blood flow. He saw fear flow through the human, but there was no way it was afraid of him. Then it had started to rise, but with a hat in his hand. That shocked him, because there was no hat before the juvenile human had landed on his head. He no longer was intrested in this young human or its companion, just what had caused the sudden formation of a hat. The Yautja hunter turned around and went back in the direction that his ship had landed.
    Allan and Macy got back to Allan's house. They banged on the doors, trying to get someone to open it for them. Obviously, nobody was home. Macy slowly lowered Allan to the ground and went back down the front steps. She walked across the grassy lawn to the left, and went up to the garden. She pushed aside some bushes and plants, and saw the gate like siding for the rose vines. She started to climb it, avoiding the prickly web that entangled in the white boards. She reached the top and slid open the window into Allan's room. It was colored a dark blue on the walls, as well as the covers for the bed. She had a few memories under those covers. She walked past the computer desk where models of airplanes and figurines of army men surronded the outdated piece of technology. She walked into the hall, and then down the stairs. She came up to the front door and unlocked the pin, deadbolt, and then the handle. She flung open the door, and saw Allan where she layed him. But now, he had a big scratch across his left cheek. She came down and saw he was asleep. She slapped him, which woke him up instantly. He seemed startled, but she wasn't sure if it was from the slap or being woken up. He got up and stumbled drunkenly over to the couch and fell down onto it.
    Macy went out to the kitchen and grabbed two Cokes. She came back over to him and handed him one. "I'm taking it there will be no fun while the parents are away, huh?" She asked, cracking the top. He sat there, silent and obviously in pain. She went to go find gauze wrap for him head.
Why do people always feel the need to do the whole versus thing? No offence meant or anything, I'm just curious.

I don't get it at all. AVP, Feddy V Jason, King Kong V Godzilla, Batman V Aliens etc. God only know's what's next! More ***** no doubt!

Rant over 
Predlethe said:
Why do people always feel the need to do the whole versus thing? No offence meant or anything, I'm just curious.
I don't get it at all. AVP, Feddy V Jason, King Kong V Godzilla, Batman V Aliens etc. God only know's what's next! More ***** no doubt!
Rant over 
Sorry for a temporary thread jack but when I read Pred's post this popped in my head; best read in the voice of the movie announcer guy: 'In a world where bag boys are king, one rivalry has withstood the test of time. Now, with reusable bags trying to muscle their way in, the ages old bitter rivalry will come to a final head. This summer, don't miss Fox's thriller, "Paper vs. Plastic". Whoever wins, we still get our groceries.'

Great start on your story btw. Sounds interesting.
I have to say, I love the VS's thing, I think you did a great job and look forward to part two, the whole Predator paperback, comic, and movies are all for the better part have to be VS's, they have to fight somebody. if you plan not to post the second part I would love to still read it, if you can PM me it, that would be great.

Eric Shawn
I understand the whole "versus" thing has been very annoying to some of the members, but I've been thinking about this for a while, and I started it. I thought of a place where I can share it with people who love Yautja fan fiction. Where better than here? I will continue to write it, whether I'm perfect or not. I find it fun, and I know some will enjoy it. It's not an annoying thread, it's just a fan's story. Keep an eye out for more!
Wolven Hunter said:
I understand the whole "versus" thing has been very annoying to some of the members, but I've been thinking about this for a while, and I started it. I thought of a place where I can share it with people who love Yautja fan fiction. Where better than here? I will continue to write it, whether I'm perfect or not. I find it fun, and I know some will enjoy it. It's not an annoying thread, it's just a fan's story. Keep an eye out for more!

Well my interpretation has always been that the hammer on "versus" threads is for all the silly "can Spiderman/Hulk/my mommy beat up a Predator?" stuff that people were posting here, not to fan fic stories.

But I'm not one of the poo-bahs here, so my interpretation isn't worth a bucket of warm spit.  :)
That's why I said I wasn't sure if that link pertained to this thread or not. The only reason I posted it was to keep people aware of the lair's stance on the subject. Personally, I have no opinion as I rarely even look at threads like these. I think the fact that this is a story excludes it from the "what would happen if a predator fought with scooby doo", or all that sort of silliness that used to go on.

Well, Im glad you all agree. I was just trying to support my story, and I was just worried that it might get rejected. Thank all of you, hope you all enjoyed it. Oh, for those commenting on the story, I realized that a piece of the story wasn't on here. It was nothing important, I'll just try to add it in later with different characters. For those curious, it was a background on Macy, and an introduction of the Hunter by a walk of Kim and Davy before they get to the lake.
I just realized this was the unrevized version. I corrected some errors of it on my Ipod, but i didnt get that version of it onto my laptop. Sorry everyone.
    Nobody slept that night. They sat there and watched cheesy comedies, but nobody spoke. Nobody laughed. They sat there in the silence of the night. Every now and then would jump, thinking they heard something move inside the house. After sitting in alert for a few minutes, they'd slip back into their motionless, zombie-like state. Allan stared at Macy. He feared the possibility of loosing her. It was a nightmare worse than Krueger, a nightmare worse than death itself. He was screaming on the inside, but he layed out on the floor under the TV, just as frozen in time as the others.
    The following afternoon, everyone went home except for Macy. She joined Allan for a walk through the park nearby, something to get their mind off things. They had been out on the trail for about an hour, but they weren't about to stop anytime soon. They held hands as they walked, feeling the compassion flow from one hand to the other and back again.
The silence, the agony, all of it caused Macy to reflect. Her life has always been surronded by dispair. Her mother had died when she was only 3, leaving her with her father. Her dad was much of a improvement. He was an alcoholic crack pipe, and he was living off the government. With food scarce and a man who was potentially very deadly to her, she lived day to day in pain and fear. He started getting worse when she was 12, which caused him to start to abuse her. Physically, sexually, emotionally, and eventually mentally. She barely slept those days, and when she did, it was while her dad was at a bar.
    After all this, she never gave up hope. She took taekwondo, joined a local soccer team, and kept her friends close for the support she needed. Even with all these things, she still feared for her life. Until a year later. A week after her 13th birthday, a police officer showed up at her house. Her father had been shot to death in a drug deal, and there was no chance for him to have been saved when the paramedics showed up. So, she finally got the relief from the torment and she was sent to live with her grandmother in Springwood, Colorado. Her nightmares didn't always have Freddy. It used to be her dad who hunted her in her sleep. Now there is something else that replaces him, and this guy is capable of killing her and all that she loves.
    They walked down a path with forest on both sides. The birds sang and all seemed good. A bush shuck beside Macy. She yelped and got behind Allan. He stood there and stared, but saw nothing. With the sun starting to set, he couldn't see that well into the shade of the trees. He thought he could make out a shape that-
    It sprung out at them and tackled Allan. Macy screamed as she watched him fall to the ground, pinned. "Hi buddy," the figure said before releasing his grip.
    "What the hell Peter!" Yelled Allan as he stood up and brushed off his pants. Peter fell to his knees, laughing uncontrollably.
    "Peter, that was not funny!" Accused Macy. She walked over and slapped him so hard across the face that he fell over. Even after that, he continued to laugh.
    "Wow, I really got you guys, didn't I? Hey, if you see the gang anytime soon, tell them I'll be meeting up with them later. I saw you two, and I couldn't resist," he chuckled as he sat up to look at them. He flipped his blond hair to the side and smiled at his two good friends. He was a tall and slender kid of the same age as Allan and Macy. He was always the Loki of the town, pulling pranks and telling jokes.
    Allan nodded, wrapped his arm around Macy, and they continued walking. Peter layed back down to stare at the clouds, dreaming of his next prank. He smiled with content on his life, and that was one of the miracles of having a relaxed outlook on all things. He loved the park, because the peaceful, scerene enviroment reminded him of how the way he thinks everyone should live.
    There was a noise from over in the woods. "Okay Allan, come out. You can't fool the fool," he called out. There was only silence. Then a clicking noise coming from the trees above. Peter stood up and looked around, but nothing was anywhere to be seen. It came again from a different direction of the woods. It reminded him of a snarl. "Okay you guys, common out."
    He heard echo around him a voise saying, "Peter, that was not funny." It was Macy's voice, but it sounded distorted. Like a recording playing on a scratchy speaker. A thud came from the path in front of him. He stared in the direction of the noise. He could only see a blurry outline, like a ghost, but he wasn't sure if it was human. It raised, and when standing, the figure was about seven and a half feet tall. He turned and ran. He forced his feet hard against the concrete path, running with a speed he never knew he had. He heard heavy thuds coming from behind, approaching swiftly.
Peter was lifted off the ground by two blades that were driven through his chest. Blood erupted from the impalements coming from his torso, and he screamed. Screamed until his voice got drowned out by blood pouring from his mouth.
Allan and Macy halted, frozen in place by the scream from a nearby place in the woods. Allan told Macy to keep going torwards home, he was going to go back and check on Peter.
    The hunter dropped the dying human. It snarled and chuckled as he watched the human try to crawl away from him, trailing blood. The Yautja hunter placed his foot on the fleeing, crippled man, and thrusted his hand through his skin. He gripped the spinal column and yanked really hard. It tore skin and flesh, and finally the skull was ripped out. The hunter looked at his trophy. A swift, agile, stealthy trophy for his collection. He examined it, and attached it to his belt. He turned to see another human running for his life down the path. The hunter snarled, and resumed his work. He tore the skin off and tied his legs together. He hung him from a tree hanging over the path. The Yautja recloacked and ran through the trees towards the direction the human ran off to.
    Allan ran and ran. What he had just witnessed scared him more than Freddy. Freddy was sadistic, but this guy was down right ****** up. Allan feared the, thing, might follow him down the path and rip his head off, too. Then, he tripped. He fell, but didnt fall and hit the pavement. Instead, he fell through it. He fell down a hole that seemed like a chimeny. He hit the walls as he fell, collecting soot on his way down. Finally he hit the bottom, knocking the breath out of him. He rolled out of the chimeny into what appeared to be a big boiler room. He was in a factory of some sort. He stood looking around. 'Freddy's home...' he thought to himself.
    He heard a long screetch come from behind him. He spun around quickly and saw nothing but the chimeny. He turned back around, and he was looking straight into the eyes of the burnt man. "Hello Allan," Krueger said with a smile. Allan started walking back, but a fire erupted out of the chimeny, keeping him from going any farther. "Look kid, I'd love to kill you, but I have bigger problems right now. Although, if you don't want to help me, I don't mind giving into temptation," he said. He approached Allan, and raised his glove.
    "What do you want from me?" Asked Allan.
    "You know that costumed freak running around town, killing all your friends? Well, I hate it when someone does my job for me. You need to bring me out of the dream realm, bring me back so I can fight our dreadlock Halloween bitch."
    "So what, you can kill us all yourself?"
    "Exactly!" Freddy laughed. Allan kicked him in the shin. Freddy grunted from the sudden attack. He glared at Allan and lunged with all his might, glove stretched out. Allan twisted and stepped out of the way. Freddy fell into the fire and screamed. Allan ran down past some worker lockers and up some stairs onto the catwalk above. Freddy jumped out and patted the fire out. "Great, more holes needing patching."
    Allan ran through the grating above the boilers and the many machines of the factory. A laugh came from behind him and he looked back. Freddy was running furiously, trying to take revenge for what just happened. Nobody insults the Dream Master. Allan turned left and stopped. There was only wall. He turned around to run the other way, and saw him standing there. "Run run run, as fast as you can. You can't escape me, for I'm the boogeyman," Freddy rhymed, and laughed. He grabbed Allan, by the shoulder and reached his glove back. Allan grabbed his hat and kicked him away.
    Allan woke up. He was laying on the pavement, and everything was swirling. He had trouble remembering what happened. He felt wet on his head, so he reached up and try finding out what was there. He pulled his hand back. 'Is that blood?' He looked at his other hand, and saw a hat in it. He tossed it to the side and rolled onto his back. He thought he heard words, but he wasn't sure. He tried to focus. He kept seeing these images of death, of blood, of evil. He remember the monster, and then he remembered Freddy. He staggered as he attempted to get to his feet. He looked around and saw Macy. She was yelling at him, he just couldn't interprut words. He looked down and saw the hat. He remembered grabbing it off Freddy's head. He lumbered over to it and picked it up. Things became more clear, and he could hear Macy yelling, "Common, let's get out of here!" He turned and tried running, but he kept stumbling. Macy had to help give him support as they paced away from where the hunter had killed Peter.
    It was above them, in the trees. It watched as they walked, jumping from tree to tree. It was curious about the hat. He had watched Allan fall, and he saw he was unconcious. That wasn't an honorable kill, collecting the skull of a target of interest that was immobile, helpless. It had waited for him to rise once again and defend itself. He watched through his thermal scans the heart beat, the blood flow. He saw fear flow through the human, but there was no way it was afraid of him. Then it had started to rise, but with a hat in his hand. That shocked him, because there was no hat before the juvenile human had landed on his head. He no longer was intrested in this young human or its companion, just what had caused the sudden formation of a hat. The Yautja hunter turned around and went back in the direction that his ship had landed.
    Allan and Macy got back to Allan's house. They banged on the doors, trying to get someone to open it for them. Obviously, nobody was home. Macy slowly lowered Allan to the ground and went back down the front steps. She walked across the grassy lawn to the left, and went up to the garden. She pushed aside some bushes and plants, and saw the gate like siding for the rose vines. She started to climb it, avoiding the prickly web that entangled in the white boards. She reached the top and slid open the window into Allan's room. It was colored a dark blue on the walls, as well as the covers for the bed. She had a few memories under those covers. She walked past the computer desk where models of airplanes and figurines of army men surronded the outdated piece of technology. She walked into the hall, and then down the stairs. She came up to the front door and unlocked the pin, deadbolt, and then the handle. She flung open the door, and saw Allan where she layed him. But now, he had a big scratch across his left cheek. She came down and saw he was asleep. She slapped him, which woke him up instantly. He seemed startled, but she wasn't sure if it was from the slap or being woken up. He got up and stumbled drunkenly over to the couch and fell down onto it.
    Macy went out to the kitchen and grabbed two Cokes. She came back over to him and handed him one. "I'm taking it there will be no fun while the parents are away, huh?" She asked, cracking the top. He sat there, silent and obviously in pain. She went to go find gauze wrap for him head.
Wolven Hunter said:
I am able to go back and add on to the old one?
All you need to do is either edit the first one or simply reply to the one you've already started.  I would add to the first one, as I really don't think you want to bring this to the attention of the mods (that whole "versus" thing and all).

The Versus thing was only to do with the whole " who would win? Pred v (insert anyone ) " brigade. :cool:

not stories.

ive sent in a report, id imagine this will get merged with your other thread shortly.
Usurper said:
The Versus thing was only to do with the whole " who would win? Pred v (insert anyone ) " brigade. :cool:

not stories.

ive sent in a report, id imagine this will get merged with your other thread shortly.
Thanks for the clarification Lee.  Like I posted before, I didn't think this quite fell into the same category  :unsure: , but wanted to be sure new members didn't jump on the bandwagon and start a new wave of Vs. foolishness.

Yeah, I wouldn't think this would have been a problem in the whole 'Versus-verse' of things simply because it's in written novel form. 

Now, if it was in a sort of... "what if -vs.-" type of form, then this would have more than likely been terminated... very quickly. 

As much fun as it can be, it does get annoying seeing ridiculous vs. threads because then people start throwing in really over the top ideas. 

Thank you for not doing that. :cool:
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