Official 6th annual mid-west prop party; Tulsa, OK. 6/30/07


Master Member
Yep, it's that time of the year again. Any and all are welcome. Ask anyone who's been in the past...we have a GOOOOOD time. Us Okie's know how to have a party! Usual stuff, props, food, beer and a buttload of good times. What do you have to bring? Yourself. (beer) Props. (beer) Food. (ummm, well, you know) We'll also have a trade/sale table as well. The party will probably start about 1pm and go on until, oh, I don't know, when the beer is gone? (I want to say the last one went on till 3AM :eek ) Either way, jump on in if you are looking for one of the best prop parties in the mid-west. Just post here or PM me if you need more details or directions.
Evan, you know you have a place to crash if you come down. :thumbsup
I see you've changed the date again with just less than two weeks to go. Is that date going to work? Who else has to come in from out of town? Any other Texas members going?

I thought you were going to come into town that weekend. I guess you'll just have to come to town another weekend. We should definitely see the Star Wars Museum exhibit while it is here.
Actually, there was talk about changing the date, but all in all, we ultimately decided to keep it set on June 30th. Less than twwo weeks to go...
3 more days till the big party! If anyone else needs directions, just PM me.
Here are Some Picture for the party. Enjoy.





No,that pic wasn't intentional...honest! :angel

I wanted to thank everyone who came out. We had an awesome time as usual. Special thanks to Steve and Danita for opening their home to us once again and for providing the gourmet dinner. As you can tell from the pic, a few cocktails were had (as usual) and some of us got a little tipsy but no one got naked and nothing was broken so I think we can call it a success! :lol I'm ready for next years party! :thumbsup
I want to see some pics...Funky and Steve always throw the best prop partys...I'm just sorry I live to far away to have attended this one.