NYCC 2015

I will be there with my whole Family.
I will be the Thing. Family will be Iron Man, Invisible Woman and other son will be Scarecrow.
Im entering the costume contest on Saturday. I am hoping to take best in class. We will see.
Shadow, I am going with my HulkBuster suit, try to get together some avengers, maybe you wanna join ?
Haps, I hope to see you and your family there as well :) I too will be entering the contest. I am entering at the Master level, what level will you join as ? Assuming they let me in !
I'll be there as Superior and Amazing Spiderman (Comic not Movie)

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I am from the UK, and when people talk about SDCC, NYCC is the dream con to go to, how does the ticket system work with NYCC?
I am from the UK, and when people talk about SDCC, NYCC is the dream con to go to, how does the ticket system work with NYCC?

NYCC tickets can be bought through its website, which was a nightmare (crashed constantly). Also, certain comic book dealers sell a limited numbers, and attendees of NYCC: Special Edition also are given the chance to buy tickets there at the show. Of course, there's always ebay and stubhub as well. Lots of scalpers get them before fans do.

It's a fun show.
Not really much of a plan that way. Kind of hard to move around with swarms of people following me. I like to lay things out more :)
I will be there fri-sun. Friday as a Stark Girl, Saturday Peggy!Cap and Sunday possibly Hannibal or Dana Scully. I'll be with my podcast cohost and a good friend of ours and all three of us will be Stark Girls Friday. Hope to see people there!
I'll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Friday I'll be genderbent Silk (newer Marvel character in anyone's unfamiliar), AoU Cap on Saturday, and SSR Uniform Steve Rogers on Sunday.
We are getting together a group to go to times square and have fun with the tourist after the show on either Friday or Saturday night. If you have any interest let us know.
I think my girlfriend and I will be attending. The plan is Jack and Alicia Saturday and something else Sunday.


for those who couldn't get tickets due to the cluster buckle that the ticket sales have become.

is it just me, or are there really no more interesting panels at this event? you might have one or two big ones spread out over the course of three days... but last year I only went thursday to check out the tmnt one. and even that one I couldn't get to the front rows because they didn't clear out the room and the first 10-15 rows where taken already.

I don't know.. but I feel like it's gotten worse since reed pop took over, and more boring.

oh well, if they continue to live stream it each year, I'll never have to bother with it again.
did anyone happen to save the john rhyes davies interview and the justice league reunion panel? only other two things I wanted to check out on the li ve stream and forgot about them totally!

seems like a pretty lack luster con this year as far as panels of interest and guests goes....If I had tickets, I'd probably be selling off everything but thursdays.
Wish reed pop would kill off that pointless new york super week thing and just focus on making NYCC good.
It all depends on where your interests lie. I attend to see the cool stuff on the show floor and shoot pictures of same cool stuff, cosplayers, etc, and there's no lack of both. Panels and celebrities don't appeal to me at all. To me, that's stuff's boring.

Eye of the beholder, brother.
took the words out my mouth, I could care less about panels and celebs. Im all about people's suits and comics and original art.