Great work as always!

But not to nit-pick it, but I'm pretty sure the "Warrant officer" rank was called a LT Colonel pin by production/cast.
Thanks much to all for the kind words. Most appreciated.
Re: WO/Lt.Colonel:
AH, yes! You have no idea how many discussions I've gotten into about this very subject in the past 2 days.
This pic of Fisk in "Razor":
Indeed does have a -slightly- different look to it, and there are some production notes to this effect. Problem is, it's also the exact same anomalous device used by "Lieutenant" Dualla in "Lay Down Your Burdens Pt. 2":
It is, in reality, originally a standard Warrant Officer grade (on my chart). The Lt. Colonel confusion was exacerbated in the recent auctions of the props and costume devices. These auctions also unfortunately give reference to bizarre never-heard-on-screen grades such as "Crewman Apprentice", "Crew Sergeant", "Crew Senior Chief", "Sergeant 1st Class", "Junior Lieutenant", "Senior Lieutenant", etc. - names that had nothing to do with reality, unfortunately.
There was also the fact that Seelix was made an Ensign in order to be a pilot, yet they used Lt.JG devices on her collar, hence the usage of the same design in my chart, just all in gold, rather than the usual gold/nickel finish that's on all the others.
Several other such strange inconsistencies occured throughout the show's run - in "Captain's Hand", Apollo wore both Captain and Major devices, flipping back and forth while all the while being addressed as Major in the same episode. The costuming department also couldn't decide if he should have the Senior Pilot Quailification Badge once he was promoted to Commander of Pegasus. He did early on in late Season 3, but then flipped back to the Junior Wings at the beginning and remaining run of Season 4.
I can tell you it was a real bear to try to reconcile this chart with all the inconsistencies that the costuming department introduced throughout the series. Every time I thought I had something nailed down, they do some other weirdness that will force me to either change the chart or throw my hands up and say "they frakked up".