Noble Collection - Mini Batman Begins Cowl


Sr Member
Can anyone please tell me if they purchased / own the Mini Batman Begins Cowl by the Noble Collection.

I am thinking of buying one myself, found one for £25. Looks quite good, but i understand the NOble collection have a bit of a reputation for showing different pictures to the actual item, and quality is sometimes an issue.

Any help / advice would be great, thanks.
Decided to buy one, considering they sell for £75 everywhere else, so i will post some pics and a review next week.
Well, the mini cowl arrived, and i fairly pleased with what i got, although there are a few negative points.

Overall the mini cowl is well made, very heavy and fits very well on the stand.
The Cowl arrived in a plain white box, packed well, but no box graphics.

I will begin with the cowl, which is smaller than i expected. The cowl is surprisingly heavy and covered in some sort of rubber coating. The overall shape and look looks fairly accurate to me although i am no expert.

The stand is made well, and the cowl fits on tight and securely. Now the stand does not look as though it is exactly the same as advertised by noble, as the base seems to be a flat black. However i do like the look and feel of the stand.

Overall i am pleased with this mini cowl, it has been well sculpted, feels and looks like a quality item, and looks very very nice on display. However I paid £26 for this, if i had of paid RRP of £75 - I would of been dissapointed and left with a feeling of being overcharged.
The only real negative i can give besides the RRP, is the size, although i knew it was small i would of liked to of seen it at least 50% larger.

Anyway, just a few quick notes for you, i don't want to bore you to death as i am not very good at this sort of thing, so on with the pictures.






Have ordered one, thanks for the info gordy, looks like a nice piece, will fit in well in my batman themed cabinet