New X-wing cockpit (for Lucasfilm)


Sr Member
I have been honored by being a lead on the restoration team for the LFL 3/4 scale xwing now for several years. We have made lots of great additions, still need to get pics of the newest features (including the engine glow).

The latest addition is overhaul of the (sparse) cockpit. I have been working on the front panel for the past 2.5 months (mostly doing the computer interface). It will have an interactive aspect to it, sort of like a disney ride. :love Get in the cockpit and be prepared to relive the trench run scene!!! :thumbsup

Anyway, here are a couple rough shots of where I am so far. Had to take some creative license on the greeblies since the cockpit panel is not as big as it should be.




Will go into this:

Always hoped they'd put a decent interior in that baby.

Is there some reason for them doing this? An event?
That looks cool! I really wanted to get involved with the restoration team a few years back but my wife was preggers so I couldn't make it work :(

Awsome work guys!


Is that a restraining bolt in the upper left corner? Is that what they used in the original cockpit?
Thanks guys. The x-wing might be in an upcoming event here, but every month they have an open-cockpit day where anyone can come to the museum and sit in her. Its pretty cool! The old cockpit was kind of bland (to say the least) and not very interesting.

My lofty goal years back is that I wanted to make the cockpit kind of do something. So I finally did. The trench run graphic is actually an animation. There are several screens the user can activate. The user can activate the targeting computer screen, which will play back the trench run down to endgame along with synchronized sound!!

Here is a demo movie of what it will do (w/o sound right now):

I will get more movies of everything once it is installed, so you get the total experience of closing the cockpit, firing up the panel and doing the trench run w/ sound. :cool

Montagar, that is a restraining bolt! They didnt use it in the original, but they did use a holo eye in the cockpit. I put one of those already on the top of the panel which isnt shown. Like I said, I had to take some creative license...
Not screen used, its one of the touring x-wings that were made (I think) when the SE movies came out. This is one of the last ones in existence, at least the last one LFL owns...
Awesome Job Jim!
Nice to see this getting upgraded instead of being left to rot in a park somewhere, outside, with kids playing on it. In San Diego.
Where is it on display that they have these open cockpit days?
It is on display at the Wings over the Rockies in Denver. Many will remember that is where Celebration 1 was held (how could they forget the rain!).

Anyway, it has been here ever since - making the rounds to different LFL sponsored events now and again. WOTR has open-cockpit days once every month, where you can sit in several of their military planes and the x-wing.

We try to keep her in shape and do upgrades when possible. Being in the cockpit was sort of a non event IMO since it was bare. Hoping to change that. Now if I could only get that motorized overhead targeting display working I would consider the cockpit complete!
Not screen used, its one of the touring x-wings that were made (I think) when the SE movies came out.

They were made for European tours promoting the last VHS release of the original versions of the OT prior to the SEs.

Great work!
Great work! I wonder why LFL never bothered to create a full scale as opposed to just 3/4?

LFL didn´t create them, it was a company over here in Germany that did. And the reason for the size was IIRC the need for moveability, i.e. they had to fit on a flatbed trailer/truck for displaying purposes. I have a few pics of a friends and myself as pilots attending one of those events. I´ll see if I find them.


Is that a restraining bolt in the upper left corner? Is that what they used in the original cockpit?

Montagar, that is a restraining bolt! They didnt use it in the original, but they did use a holo eye in the cockpit. I put one of those already on the top of the panel which isnt shown. Like I said, I had to take some creative license...

Great work.

Is that a restraining bolt on the left side?
