New Studio Scale X-Wing Revisited


Active Member
Hi to everyone.

Me and a good friend of mine decided to produce a Studio Scale X-Wing, mainly because we never could get our hands on a Salzo V3 :cry:cry
We have been working on this project for more than a year now, and I am happy to present to you our Studio Scale X-Wing Revisited.

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Why Revisited?

Mainly because we added a little more detail in the sections we believed needed it, like the section at the end of the Saturn V where it connects with the F4 Phantom engine, the wing's engine cavity walls and an entirely redesigned cockpit that intends to match the full size cockpit from Empire Strikes Back.

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Now let me tell you about our model:

A- The Fuselage

I constructed the fuselage based on the Red 3 Hero Model. Mainly because of the large amount of pics available and because most of the other great X-Wings Studio Scale resin kits were based on a Pyro model.
We wanted to start from scratch to give our X-Wing a new look but obviously respecting the ILM original model.

We painstakingly constructed 3 prototypes before being content with the fuselage form.

A cardboard prototype model came first, which revealed all the troubles that had to be corrected.

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Secondly, a one piece styrene prototype with all measures corrected
from what we had learned from the cardboard model. This second fuselage still needed a few corrections but when placed by the side of the classic ILM top view picture of Red 3, it matched it almost in every aspect.

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First Styrene prototype.

This led to the construction of the final corrected prototype that resulted in the three part Fuselage ( Nose, Upper Fuselage and Lower Fuselage) you can see in the pictures below.

Even though the measures and shape of the fuselage were based on the Red 3 model, most of the paneling detail, chips and other features like the nose type, and distance from the rear window to the R2 Strip were taken from Red 5 model. Whenever I laked info from the Red 5 Model I kept the Red 3 details.

I constructed the fuselage from scratch, the way you would build a RC plane using styrene sheets and plastruct.

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The fuselage is divided in upper and lower halfs with geometrically precise interiors that allow a perfect and effortless armature fitting. We will soon finish our aluminium armature.

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The fuselage comes with a remobable panel on the bottom ( the trunk section) that allows you to screw the stand directly to the armature or to a nut that can be fitted in a specially designed hole to support a 3/4 inch nut .

B- The Cockpit.

The cockpit consists of mainly two big sections: the control panel and the section beneath the rear windows. You can also find more control details on the inner walls of the upper half of the fuselage as well as on the ceiling .
The lower part of the fuselage has the detail for the cockpit floor where you must fit the pilot's seat.
We also include some extra details like decals for some of the panels and the hoses that go in the rear section, behind the pilot.

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Our intention was to make a cockpit as accurate as possible with the classical control panel we all enjoyed at the Dagobah swamp.
The design of a more realistic cockpit limited the length of the aluminum tubing, reaching just to the end of the rear window.

C- Some more detail.

We added some new detailing of our own in some sections like the ones described above and some other mostly mechanichal details that we believe do not affect the overall look of the spacecraft, but fills it with more to enjoy looking at.

We hope you enjoy these pictures,

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We want to thank for their help to the following amazing members:

VaderDarth - Thanks man!!!(y)thumbsup:thumbsup
ILM Wannabe - Thanks Vincent (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Thanks for the great info and frienship:lol
All coments are welcome!
Thanks to everyone.
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Whoa-ho. That is quite awesome, Rod! I'm loving that cockpit, everything else looks great too.
Oh my

Will this be a full kit??
I would love to have one to paint. Is a figure being done?

That is the prettiest Xwing I've ever seen! You can certainly see the love that went into this project. I swore to never do another Xwing, but this may make me eat those words!!!!
