New Statue for Museum in Africa


Sr Member
Hi all.
not so much a movie character but is what i have been working on lately.

This is a statue of the late Nigerian President Yaradua.

Due to the museums budget, they couldnt stretch to the cost of a body sculpt so we had to compromise and use a mannequin. it looked a bit skinny when it left here but the museum has a robe which they are confident will cover his frame nicely. if there is any interest, ill ask them to send me some pics when they have him set up.

hope you like him


Beautiful work and love the skin tones (I don't know the real man so can't comment on accuracy but looks great and natural).
Thanks guys. First time painting Africa skin so was a really fun challenge. The raw casting was quite a bright orange colour.

Amish, thank man, in real life it is much darker, I'm still trying to learn how to light my work properly
A totally amazing sculpt, so realistic!. :cry I can't even sculpt a wobbly stick!

>>>clip<<< in real life it is much darker, I'm still trying to learn how to light my work properly

......and the exposure, it looks even more amazing (at least to me and on my monitor) trying to recover some of the blown highlights.....


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