New Predators Images, all costumes revealed...(SPOILERS)


Sr Member
Anyone seen the new Predators images that got leaked? They have good shots of all the new masks, and costumes. The link contains spoilers though so beware! Guess I'll probably be one of the few that likes the new black predator's mask. Love the bone jaw thing. Not crazy over the tusk mask, I thought it would be cooler, but the third's not bad.







pretty cool!!:thumbsup i do like the first photo of the bio mask.
i cant wait to see them! i just hope its not a flop..
I think they all look ridiculous except the last one which is an 'homage' to the original Predator I'm guessing.
i really respect what it takes to make these costumes but no matter how many times i see new predator movies come out i always think the costumes and character art just pales in comparison to the original.
The helmets look rediculous except for the KPH version. What is with that silly Jaw bone and the Batman helmet?

Yeah. I really hate to say it, but there's no other word for most of those helmets. It's nice to have variations on a theme, but those aren't variations- they're caricatures. Definitely something I'd expect to see in a fanfilm.
the funny jaw one is kind of growing on me. and i like the homage helmet.

batpredator is funny. because batman fought predator, a bunch of times.
I think there is just too much footage of them and they arnen't as scary or mysterious. I too love the original Predator 1 design first and foremost and then the Predator 2 design much before these designs but it will fun to watch no less.
It's good to see the original P1 design realized on the big screen again.

Mr. Black (SBP) takes some getting used to but it is growing on me. I'm still not keen on the harder edged bio's though.

I'm really looking forward to this movie - looks like it will be a fun ride (knock on wood).
I'm not nuts about a lot of these, but they're all better than the awful AVP1 costumes (though I prefer the AVP BIOS). That jawbone one really, really rocks though. To my mind, Bio Helm design never got better than the Lost Hunters of P2. The Gort and the Ram are works of art.

LOVE the new SBP design...that was one thing that had me nervous. But while I laud their avoidance of the awful AVP linebacker look, the Preds are a little TOO slim, imo.

Still, Preds rule. I'd watch two hours of a Predator sitting on the potty reading Cosmo. Can't wait to see this movie.

OT: the lighting and general direction in all the clips/images I've seen looks superb. I hope this is a well-made film visually, regardless of any possible plot weaknesses. From a cinemetography standpoint, it's shaping up to be the best yet. Let's see if the story and editing hold up.
I'm with you on that one. I love the Black Predator mask and the other one with the long wrist blades.

Probably gonna pick up the 1:1s from Sideshow.
I can't stand the Bat-Pred looking one... that looks like a fan sculpt.

LOVE the homage to the original Pred though and as someone here said, it's nice to see them slimmed up a bit instead of that ridiculous football player look of the last 2.