New Pirates of the C. Master Replicas for sale


Sr Member
Got an email from MR yesterday about their new POTC line of items. I tried to place an order for the flintlock but it wouldn't let me complete the order. Said something about no shipping options available for my area. I live in Michigan. I've never had trouble with any "gun replica" orders before from them - or anyone else. Anyone know what's up on this? I emailed MR and am waiting to hear back still. May just call them today.
Were you logged in to your CS account? They showed up for me after I logged in.
Yep, I was logged in. That wasn't the problem. Had the order completed and when I hit the send order it just popped back with the "No delivery options for your area" message. Very odd to me because I have never had trouble ordering direct from them before.
dont know of any gun limits. i am in michigan too. Any idea when these are slated to start shipping. translated, if i place an order how long do i have before they hit my card??

thanks and good luck
Here's the flintlock:


More pics and info here:
I really like the displays for these pieces too. Now if I could just get my order to go through.
Originally posted by Scarecrow@Mar 2 2006, 11:03 AM
Will these be available at retail shops as well?
Yes. :D
I emailed MR about the billing/ship date on these new LE's. I will share when they respond

Is it all LE's that are only available at MR now or just Star Wars LE's? Will there be Pirates CE Versions?


Originally posted by OPPI@Mar 2 2006, 11:15 AM
I emailed MR about the billing/ship date on these new LE's.  I will share when they respond

Is it all LE's that are only available at MR now or just Star Wars LE's?  Will there be Pirates CE Versions?


Just Star Wars LE's are limited to MR direct sales (thankfully).
Well I got a phone order placed for the flintlock. Didn't seem to have a problem shipping one to me in Michigan. Personally I think MR's website could use a good web guru and an overhaul. The lady on the phone indicated some of these items might be in stock shipping right now. :)
Yeah, but that could be just the coins and necklaces.... Its pretty rare that MR is shipping LE's on the day they are announceed for sale. Its usually like 6 months out or so. They might have the ring or the key too.

Now to check with my friendly MR dealers for prices....muha ha ha....
Any dealers who i dont know you can pm me with your prices on these, thanks

I agree it's unusual. And you know the phone folks that MR uses, not always the most accurate info. I'm just glad they are doing these items. I want that compass too eventually.
Just got a reply from MR on the billing/shipping date of the POTC LE's

Dear Dan,

These will be shipping out in late spring. Early June at the latest. Thank You.


Customer Service

Double check the gun laws about replicas in your state.

Same think happened when tried ordering to California :(
On that ring, they were apparently looking at one of the current rings. Whoever put it together, looks like they put it in upside down.
Being that the original rings was one of Depp's personal ones, you'd think he'd have pointed it out to them. Looks pretty dumb to me though.
Either way, it's not like these are sized. So while you're going getting this re-sized, looks like you can get a new stone placed in it as well.
Or just mold it, and have it cast in silver...if you REALLY want to go overboard. ;)