New pics of my ESB Boba...


Well-Known Member
Hey all, so our Garrison in Seattle went to this local sci-fi con called- Norwescon. It was a pretty fun time, and I got some cool pics of my ESB Boba, and it's new little updates, and our Garrison. We had some new really nice suits gathered there, that some of our guys have been working on.(Commander Cody & Jango were my favs. B)) Anywho, I thought I'd share some pics, thanks for looking. :)

Be sure to click on images to enlarge 'em.

Originally posted by saber_holder@Apr 16 2006, 01:34 PM
VERY cool pics... Love your Fett. Everytime I see pictures of a good Boba costume I get jealous :p

That Commander Cody costume is really awesome too... Curious, do you know what armor and helmet he's using? Thanks.

Thanks for the comments all. Much appreciated. :)

As for the Commander Cody armor & bucket, I'm not sure, but I'll try and find out. I'm pretty sure he did all the Cody mods himself to the clone armor. Sweet suit though.