New Judge Dredd Helmet Picture Who's Gonna Make This Bad Boy!


Sr Member
Liking the new gonna start making them :)

New Judge Dredd helmet photos scream, "I am the law, this is my hat."
Think the helmet looks ok...Why make it look like metal though?..when was the last time anyone wore a metal helmet?..also hope it is not as big as it looked in the other pic..otherwise pleased they kept the design as it should be...I'd give it 8/10
i think i may be one of the only people who likes the look of the costume, you'll never get a 100% accurate representation in a big production movie and i like the real world approach they've taken.

i quite like the oversized helmet as well, it makes it look more like it was designed for protection rather than a thin skullcap that couldn't stop an air pistol
As a life long Dredd fan, I love the helmet. I'm getting pretty exited about the new movie. Please don't let us down.
I hate the bike. Wow, that thing is ugly. Ugly like a Battlestar Galactica 1980 flying motorcycle ugly.
Tron managed it, Batman managed a 'cool' design with fat tires, if they can't practically reproduce what was in the comics, why not just put him on a green scooter and CGI the damn thing... sigh..
I seriously hope that bike pic is just to pull our leg. Looks like a scrambler gone wrong with half a paddle canoo at the front.
I actually like (and prefer) the bike in the Stallone version as opposed to this one. :unsure
The Lawmaster is rather hard to screw up, yet somehow they've managed to do just that.

Loathe though I am to admit it, Stallone's Lawmaster was better.

As for the helmet, Karl Urban has a wider head than the one in the sculpture photos, I think the helmet will appear smaller on him.
Apart from the bike flying the Lawmaster and Mean Machine Angel were the best things in the Stallone movie by far.