New Iron Man 2 trailer w/suitcase armor is out!


Sr Member
Just puttin this out there in case anyone is curious... the new trailer shows the suit case armor. It's up on Apple Trailers and I'm sure a thousand more places.
Make the fold-out function work, and I'll buy it-or steal it, what ever it takes xD
That is cool. Very cool.

The suitcase suit looks like it would be perfect to make out of sheet plastic. I wish they showed the legs. MasterLe, I expect to see some progress on this! :lolYou would make an awesome one.:thumbsup
Saw this last night on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Looks like someone sneaks in and steals the MKII suit and Stark ends up fighting with them while they have the MKII suit on. I think that the new trailer gives alot away.

Paul D.
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Saw this last night on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Looks like someone sneaks in and steals the MKIII suit and Stark ends up fighting with them while they have the MKIII suit on. I think that the new trailer gives alot away.

Paul D.

They might have been stealing the mark II, was Stark in the Mark III fighting the Mark II ?
I know, DOH! My bad, stealing the MKII armor. Hard to tell if If it's MKIII or MKIV vs. MKII. Who knows. I thought that they never should have shown the suitcase armor. It also looks clear that Rhodes originally starts out on the Govt. side then realizes he needs to help his bud....or maybe Rhodes has this planned all along. If Hammer does, in fact, design/build the WM armor you would think that he would install some type of fail-safe device inside to control it in case Rhodes turned against him......Hmmmmm?

Paul D.
Upon further inspection of the shoulder armor, looks like MKIV or even MKV vs. MKII. Must happend later on in the movie?
most likely the tony is in teh mark III suit and Rhodes is in the Mark II. He probably got pissed that stark was going out and doing the "lone gunman thing" and then took the armor without stark's consent. Stark beats him up a bit and then realizes that he does need a partner and builds him the war machine suit.

Seems kinda like the comics if they do it that way.

will make sense cuz they're in starks house....

just a guess :confused
I think someone goes in to steal the Mark II, but not Rhodes. I bet the government sends someone since Tony refuses to give them the suit. They use that stolen technology ,the mark II, to build the guardians. The guardians (or whatever they are) have NAVY stamped on them.
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