I don't know - this kid is really starting to grow on me

new sonic looks good too - more like a Beta Capsule
It seems really solid. I like how he flicks it open and snaps it shut. Good metal clicky sounds. Should a SA metal version come out, I may have to get it!
He really seems to have gotten the hang of brandishing the new 'Driver. Which is good as his first day on set he broke it in half (apparently). Likewise he's growing on me. I was never against him to begin with because at the end of the day if they cast a relative unknown there's usually a bloody good reason and something the production crew see.

The more interviews I've seen the more I kinda get the idea of what they see. His natural personality is very Doctorish, which puts him on par with Baker/Pertwee, both of whom carried a lot of Doctor-ish elements in their personalities away from the screen. Baker was bonkers-in-the-nut and Pertwee really did love his gadgets. And his cloaks and velvet jackets.

But damn, that new Sonic looks nice.