New Constantine Prop


Sr Member
Here is another addition to my Constantine Collection.
The whiskey John is Drinking when Angela comes to
his apartment in search of answers. This not only looks
nice with the set, but it will deffinatley put hair on yur chest.
Now if only I knew what coin Balthazar had...hmm

The Zippo here is a place holder for the one in the works here.
I agree, that is a nice collection you got there. But tell me you got an extra bottle for you. Man, I would go nuts just seeing a bottle that I can't touch because its a prop. Especially if it is a prop you can enjoy. ;) :D
Hehehehe, I know that bottle... for me at least, I would have no trouble just looking at it ;-)
lol yea Zen and I drank some of this the other day, it is an iteresting flavor to say the least. It will straighten your short and curlies is what I'm saying. But yea I will continue to drink it and when it is empty I will fill it with water or vodka who knows. But either way its a purty prop.