Need straps for a FvJ Hockey Mask


Well-Known Member
Got this from another board member a while back. It's an awesome hock, but it has no straps. I don't want to use the nylon webbing I've seen on other hocks, and was wondering if anyone knew of a good source for leather strapping to complete this thing? Also, is there good pic of the pattern of the straps in the rear?

Thanks in advance.
Well, its subjective as a matter of opinion. I own a Ken Tarallo part 3 from Fright Stuff. I think is a little more concerned with accuracy when it comes to straps. There are some good views of the leather straps he used. I was thinking that they looked a lot like dog collars because of the buckles. Its probably more likely that they're from the horse bridle parts section of the leather store. Just maybe they modified a geek mask. :lol