J JP05 Well-Known Member May 26, 2007 #1 Does anyone have any handy? The rebel commandos on Endor in ROTJ. Thanks in advance !
Howlrunner Sr Member May 26, 2007 #2 I'm gonna guess that you're making this helmet, so here's some useful info I put together: And while not a screencap, here's my finished replica: Lot's of great information and pictures can be found at http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/endorrebelsoldier/ers_helmet.html
I'm gonna guess that you're making this helmet, so here's some useful info I put together: And while not a screencap, here's my finished replica: Lot's of great information and pictures can be found at http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/endorrebelsoldier/ers_helmet.html