Need Iron Man 2 Costume for Halloween!


New Member
Hi. I'm new to these boards, so I'm not sure if anyone has made a similar post. Is there anyone out there who makes custom, moulded Iron Man movie costumes? Preferably, I'm looking for the Mark IV suit, but Mark III would do as well. I am looking for functionality as well. Obviously, not full functionality, lol, but at least a light up chest piece, light up hands, eyes, and if possible, a helmet that slides up, to reveal the wearer's face without removal of the helmet. I would need it by this Halloween. If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
I also may be new. But judging by the great workmanship of alot of people on here I can say that it wouldn't be cheap or a "quick" build.
I'm in the same boat.really I would like to buy one but if someone could show us in the right direction,that would be great.thanks
Best of Luck! Im sure you will find someone on here. There are tons of people, and lots of styles and methods.
Though at the same time I must say there may only be a few people that actually do commissions, considering how most people are currently have a work in process from themselves at the moment.
Not trying to discourage you, but considering how halloween is right around the corner, and how long processes take to make a suit. Id say you would need to find someone quick!!!!
You may wanna talk to TMP, he may be able to solidly point you in the right direction.
its like a hall of armor in here :lol
For reals! When I joined this forum I didn't know how popular Iron Man was. Now I am making an Iron Man pepakura helmet too. But I think I will make a bizarro Iron Man version. :lol
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Best of Luck! Im sure you will find someone on here. There are tons of people, and lots of styles and methods.
Though at the same time I must say there may only be a few people that actually do commissions, considering how most people are currently have a work in process from themselves at the moment.
Not trying to discourage you, but considering how halloween is right around the corner, and how long processes take to make a suit. Id say you would need to find someone quick!!!!
You may wanna talk to TMP, he may be able to solidly point you in the right direction.

TMP? He's built an Iron Man suit before? I'm looking to have it done in fibreglass. As close to the screen version as possible. I'm happy as long as I can find someone reputable who won't just take my money and run! :S
Wow - if you woulda posted that say, a month ago - I'm sure someone here coulda helped. Personally, all 4 ranger suits and both Ninja Turtles are ALL on custom made forms. The 5 people - yes, five - who are going to get an Iron Man suit from me, are getting a suit made to display, but nothing is signed to start until January of next year.

But you've gotta remember; time is money, especially on a rush.

Be prepared to drop some SERIOUS coin for this kind of suit. My suit for the client (5 people, one over all client) is going to have the automated flight stabilizers, lights, face plate, the functioning boots, everything. but even then it is still a pretty penny. You can PM me and i'll give you the price, but you it was right about the central point between 5 and $10k...
For reals! When I joined this forum I didn't know how popular Iron Man was. Now I am making an Iron Man pepakura helmet too. But I think I will make a bizarro Irom Man version. :lol
we still need a balsa wood iron man, a duct tape iron man, and a leather iron man
I'd recommend sending messages to those individuals who have done commission work before. The important thing is to let them know how much you are willing to spend on this, don't just say "well how much do you think it will cost".

Since there is only about a month until halloween and it takes several months to build I think you need to commission someone that has a group of people that can work on this.

Since there is very little time for this to be finished youll prolly end up spending double or triple for an ordinary suit. Most sell of $3000-$4000 so if you are willing to offer at least $8,000 or more to a build you might get lucky.

Not sure how much cash you have to drop on this but if you want it bad enough and can afford it, you can have it. Look to see if someone is selling one. Might not be custom made but it will save you cash in the long run and you can always mod it yourself.

Personally I think commissioning someone to build this for NEXT Halloween will be much more likely
I agree with Aron42486. Unless its a crazy must! Then I would personally just hold off. It takes a crazy amount of time. I mean even if you wanted to go cheap with pep or foam, still takes a good amount of time. Like I said TMP has done commissions before so he's def one you can trust, yet time crunch is crazy short!!!!

Best of Luck! Hope something works out for ya!

I'd recommend sending messages to those individuals who have done commission work before. The important thing is to let them know how much you are willing to spend on this, don't just say "well how much do you think it will cost".

Since there is only about a month until halloween and it takes several months to build I think you need to commission someone that has a group of people that can work on this.

Since there is very little time for this to be finished youll prolly end up spending double or triple for an ordinary suit. Most sell of $3000-$4000 so if you are willing to offer at least $8,000 or more to a build you might get lucky.

Not sure how much cash you have to drop on this but if you want it bad enough and can afford it, you can have it. Look to see if someone is selling one. Might not be custom made but it will save you cash in the long run and you can always mod it yourself.

Personally I think commissioning someone to build this for NEXT Halloween will be much more likely
Hi. I'm new to these boards, so I'm not sure if anyone has made a similar post. Is there anyone out there who makes custom, moulded Iron Man movie costumes? Preferably, I'm looking for the Mark IV suit, but Mark III would do as well. I am looking for functionality as well. Obviously, not full functionality, lol, but at least a light up chest piece, light up hands, eyes, and if possible, a helmet that slides up, to reveal the wearer's face without removal of the helmet. I . If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
Hi. I'm new to these boards, so I'm not sure if anyone has made a similar post. Is there anyone out there who makes custom, moulded Iron Man movie costumes? Preferably, I'm looking for the Mark IV suit, but Mark III would do as well. I am looking for functionality as well. Obviously, not full functionality, lol, but at least a light up chest piece, light up hands, eyes, and if possible, a helmet that slides up, to reveal the wearer's face without removal of the helmet. I would need it by this Halloween. If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

Hi. I'm new to these boards, so I'm not sure if anyone has made a similar post. Is there anyone out there who makes custom, moulded Iron Man movie costumes? Preferably, I'm looking for the Mark IV suit, but Mark III would do as well. I am looking for functionality as well. Obviously, not full functionality, lol, but at least a light up chest piece, light up hands, eyes, and if possible, a helmet that slides up, to reveal the wearer's face without removal of the helmet. I . If anyone can help me out or point me in the right direction, it would be very much appreciated! Thanks!

Anyone else smell a rat?