Need help with my DIY vacuum chamber


Well-Known Member
Ok I have been gathering the parts to make this silicon degassing chamber and disaster struck. Well not disaster but my problem still sucks. Here is what I have
2 stage 3CFM vacuum pump
Vacuum gauge
All the fittings and hose
¾ in acrylic
Aluminum stock pot (for cooking)
Anyway I finally put it all together and started it up. The needle on the gauge got to about 22 and the pot imploded on itself.:cry So I realized I needed something better to use. I went to this commercial pipe place and found some 12in schedule 40 pvc that will work perfect but the only sell it in 20 ft length and it $165. I only need about 2ft so that’s not going to work. Im looking for something in the range of 12in diameter and 2ft tall give or take. Any ideas of what I can use. Hopefully someone who has made a similar setup will chime in because trial and error can be costly. Thanks
Did you ask them if they had any SCRAP of that TUBE"

Go find a contruction site..and see if they have it.

Or check with other plastic places.
That must have been a very thin cooking pot to implode... you can pick up a very heavy duty one for less than $50 that would work fine.
My 40 quart stock pot based vacuum chamber holds a 5 gallon bucket and is .25" think, just to give you some idea of the wall thickness you'll need. Less for smaller diameter.
Did you ask them if they had any SCRAP of that TUBE"

Go find a contruction site..and see if they have it.

Or check with other plastic places.
yes i did ask with no luck, and it could take some time to find somthing the right size at the job site.

That must have been a very thin cooking pot to implode... you can pick up a very heavy duty one for less than $50 that would work fine.
yes it was a cheap pot.

My 40 quart stock pot based vacuum chamber holds a 5 gallon bucket and is .25" think, just to give you some idea of the wall thickness you'll need. Less for smaller diameter.
could you say what store you got it at or a brand/price range? also do the good pots tell the wall thickness on them?

There's some on ebay, search for PVC pipe.
i looked but nothing in the right size.

Thanks for all your help guys
I might have something you can use. It is made from PVC and about 2 feet tall. It is not at mu house right now, but I can take pictures of it on Friday and send them to you. I was going to use it for either vacuum chamber or convert it to a pressure chamber, but never got around to it.

could you say what store you got it at or a brand/price range? also do the good pots tell the wall thickness on them?

I got mine from Ace Mart, a restaurant supply that's caters to small businesses and allows the public to shop there.

I got the heavy duty one that indicates it's a 1/4" wall. They have some that are thinner and smaller of course.

Mine was about $145 or so in the store.

They are also online.
Get a pipe coupler instead of pipe, they're about 12" long.
On somebody sells a huge 18" dia PVC tube to
make a budget fullsize R2 droid. Not sure of the thickness, but I belive its
near .200 thk

That's a great idea, even if a pipe supply won't sell a foot of pipe, I bet they will sell and individual coupling.

Your wallet will be happier trying to source a scrap piece of pipe or buying a full pipe stick and doing a group buy with multiple people. Large diameter couplings can be very $$$. Unless you stick with a max 8 inch diameter or luck into a deal on anything larger.

Just as an example:

A 10" slip coupling is $177 and a 12" is $352
A 10" cap is $150 and 12" $195
PM Sent...

I have a Thick Aluminum 40 QUART STOCK POT that would work fine for a Chamber, (you can fit a 5 Gallon bucket inside of it)...let me know if you are interested...
Your wallet will be happier trying to source a scrap piece of pipe or buying a full pipe stick and doing a group buy with multiple people. Large diameter couplings can be very $$$. Unless you stick with a max 8 inch diameter or luck into a deal on anything larger.

Just as an example:

A 10" slip coupling is $177 and a 12" is $352
A 10" cap is $150 and 12" $195

Wow... so much for the coupling idea.
Wow... so much for the coupling idea.

You can always ask a plumber to sell you a piece of left over pipe, lots of them are willing to let them go for a couple bucks because they are mostly going to throw it away if it gets down to foot or so rather then letting it sit around and take up space in their stock
Finally had a chance to get some pictures of the container I mentioned earlier. I think this is exactly what you are looking for. I put a lid from a 5 gallon bucket on top for size comparison. I would be willing to sell it to you. Let me know.



