Need help making AA Scarecrow burlap mask.


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this site and decided to make a female version of the Arkham Asylum Scarecrow. Not really a fan of Scarecrow but I loved the version in the game. I did see another person with a thread of their costume but couldn't find any instructions on how to make a mask. Also the search feature on this site wouldn't work. Kept getting an error message. I have never worked with burlap but bought a yard from JoAnn Fabrics. I have read to use watered down acrylics for the weathered stained look. I just don't know how to get started on making the shape. Should I pin it into a bag shape and just work from there or is there a better way? I did buy a cheap plastic hockey mask incase it might help to work off of it as far as helping to hold the face in shape and the fake gas filters. I live with my in-laws on their farm and they have a ton of junk laying around that I can use to make the glove with. Also I was looking for a tutorial on how to make the hood to go with the mask. I mainly want to start with the mask first to see how it turns out before getting to far ahead but with Halloween only three weeks away I need to get everything planned quickly. I have the burlap, yarn, twine, acrylics, plastic hockey mask, wire, and some styrofoam to try to make the filters out of. If the stryofoam doesn't work I'll find something laying around in the barn to use. I'd like it to look pretty good but I know my first attempt can be either a failure or the best thing I could of made. I have a small head so I will have burlap left incase I mess up. I'm not worried about any lining since if I need to I'll use a pillow case under the burlap if I have to. I don't need anything to great looking since I can use this one as practice and make a better one next year. If anyone has any pictures of their masks made out of burlap I'd enjoy seeing them especially since I can't use the search feature. Also any pictures of tips on how to make the mask or how to do the stitching.
I came across another question. How do you sew burlap without it falling apart? Do I just sew it with yarn or twine? I don't normally sew anything.
I would advise against styrofoam. It might be easy to sculpt, but tends to dissolve when painted.

As for sewing burlap, I personally would handstitch it with some twine. In a perfect world, twine would be roughly the same color as the burlap, but even if it isn't, you could get a nice, harshly put together look that would suit the Scarecrow.

That's all I got for now. I'll let you know if I think of anything else. I can't wait to see some progress on this!
I found out the styrofoam wasn't to good to use. I'll dig around for something else for the filters. I got a large amount of twine that is lighter color than my burlap which will look good. Do I just use a large needle to thread it through? I'm assuming that I need to make the stitches back into the burlap some so it doesn't pull out. I was also wondering if there is a way to dye brown fabric to make it a different color to look like patchwork without having to actually make the patches? I did happen to manage to find something to maybe use for the fake needles on the glove. Those straws that come with the Capri Sun drinks are about the right size and already have the slainted cut but just needs to be painted.
A large needle will be required for the twine, and it shouldn't distort the burlap, so I think you're set there. Unfortunately, I haven't encountered a good clean way of faking patchwork, so you'll probably be doing a lot of cutting, tea-dying, and sewing back together. It's not has hard as it seems, but it is time consuming.

The CapriSun straws are a pretty good idea. If you can find plastic vials that cover your fingers (with gloves on, of course) you could paint them pretty easily.
I tried making the mask and I think the twine is to large. Might need to find some smaller twine. Was also having problems of the mask falling apart even when I tried some thinner plastic twine. I might not be sewing it right. Do I need to fold the burlap edges then sew it? I may try to find a better needle. I've never worked with fabric that fell apart so easily. I can't seem to find any instructions on how to at least do the sewing stitches other than telling you to just sew it with twine, yard, or leather strips. If anyone has any pictures of the sewing I'd really appericate it. Would a fake burlap material work better as far as sewing?
If you want the twine to be the same colour as your burlap, I'd suggest unravelling some of the burlap, itself, to sew with. For hems, perhaps folding inside and tacking with tape where it won't show before sewing would help; especially if you could stitch through the tape.
Yea, I'd think so. Besides, burlap is SUPER uncomfortable. I wouldn't blame you for faking it so you wouldn't have it on your face and in your hair...
I've seen excellent results using Shellac to form burlap masks. The mask is placed on a form (armature or over a mask on a duct tape dummy) painted in a few coats of Shellac and whilst still wet formed to shape. Once dry it retains whatever shape given to it.
Never heard of shellac. Might have to check it out. My mask turned out looking like something a little kid did. Need to figure out a way to make another one. I was thinking of wire mesh for the shape.