Need help! clay wont come out of mold!


Sr Member
I made a mold of a bust sculpted in chavant soft. It is a polyurethane mold, but the heat of being inside has turned the clay to a paste and it is stuck all over the inside. isw there anything I can use to make the clay come off??? And yes, I used generous amounts of mold release beforehand...
Naphtha will dissolve chavant, not sure what it will do to polyurethane however. I'd test it before I tried it on any critical areas.
Freezer method works fine. Unless you have a freezer that will go to -200 or so . . .;)

Also, alchol works great, as does dish sop and toothbrush.
thanks guys, I thought for sure this thing was ruined... which would have been a huge downer because it was a project I've spent a LONG time working on thus far...