need EARTH 2 photos

Bad Wolf

Sr Member
ok, this is a long shot but does anyone happen to have photos of the two handguns from EARTH 2??
one (and i think this one was only shown once) was a small, snubnose type of pistol. the other (which has made its way into other movies) was built on what looked to be a old model Beretta.
any help would be appreciated.
thanks :)
Hi Bad Wolf,

No images to share, but Earth 2 is available to rent on DVD--netflix has it and it's for sale on Amazon, etc.

If you can't find any good images, you may be able to screen cap your way to some useful reference shots.
The snub nose was the pistol the River used in the bar in "Serenity". This site has a photo of the stunt pistol on this page:

The Beretta was also use in an sf movie named "Velocity Trap" : It was also in other movies, or tv shows, but I don't remember any other titiles.

I am amazed that I have this crap floating around in my brain, while I can't remember the important stuff. :cry

this one? This is the Earth 2 pistol style I see used in the first few episodes. Its a solid resin screen used version thats in my collection.
I haven't seen the second half of the show but don't remember another style from the episodes I have seen.
hey jediscout, krel and firstmark......

thanks for all the great info.... you guys ROCK... :)
If you need screencaps, let me know what episodes/scenes. :D

There aren't enough Earth 2 props. :thumbsup
synasp if you care to capture some pictures of the gun prop I have being used I would be interested to see them and use them on a page I am creating about my prop.