Need decorating help. Prop related.


Sr Member
I am wanting to make a custom coffee table for my office. The table will be in the middle of the room and flanked by 2 chairs.

Right now, I'm thinking of buying one of three studio scale models with acrylic cases:

TOS Enterprise

I don't remember if these come with plexiglass cases or not but that is a must for this to work. I would be making a custom base to give the model a little more height and stability.

What other ideas do you have?

I'd love something like a SS Batwing, Cylon Raider or Colonial Viper but I don't know if anyone has them built with the cases.

Philip Wise, the webmaster over at RS has a coffee table made from two AT-AT Studio Scales. Looked pretty nice to me. I can't for the life of me find the pics of his table.
how about a nice lcars trek light up coffee table, i've always thought about doing one, but just haven't gotten around to it.
The LCARS is a good idea. I really hadn't thought of that.

Thanks for the AT-AT table info! I checked Rebel Scum but I couldn't locate the photos.

I've seen a neat crawling Alien (Giger) with a glass table top on it's back
on EvilBay a few times. Not sure if it was one of those metal sculpter
version or what but thought it was interesting looking for a coffee table.
The room of Philip Wise's is amazing. :eek I say go with the two AT-AT table idea, that just looks fantastic. I'd like to make one.
A coffee table is to low for the AT-AT / Enterprise and the Snow Speeder would be too small.

I say go with a Falcon.

If you get an idea of what you want I can probably build it for you as a break down unit or you could come pick it up :)
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