Need advice War Machine L.E.D. Color?


New Member
Hey RPF,

I am now on the stage of lighting up my War Machine costume and I am stuck on deciding if I want to go red for the eyes or white. In the movie the Arc Reactor is white and so are the Hand Repulsor's. (that's what I see) His eyes look white when Hammer introduces him on stage but then he has a reddish tint when Whiplash takes over the suit.

Should I just go white entirely so it will look uniform or split the color.

I will be using EL tape for the eyes. From what I see the El Tape Red is kinda dull and doesn't pop out like the white does. So any opinions will help...

Thanks A lot Peeps!
i think go for the red is the signature color of both eyes and reactor of war will be nice
When warmachine turns on the targeting system the eyes and reactor turn red, white is standby. If you really want there are multi colored led lights available. They usually have 3 or 4 leads coming out. These would be good to use to avoid wierd shifts in light when switching colors.
El sheets are cool at night but look pink during the day.
Why not take an all white tap light for the chest and wrap a few strands of Red El wire attached to a battery pack around the outside circular area. That way, you can turn on one or the other at different times or both for the proper effect. That's what I did. Cheap too.

Paul D.