Well-Known Member
Hello Im new to getting new costumes made from scratch and Im very interested in getting one 2 or 3 new costumes done of star wars characters that have never been done before. These would be based on alien,non humanoid, and droid characters so they would not have much reference and would have to be made to fit me accordingly. Would anyone here have any good advice on how to get started on star wars costumes like these where any previous info wouldnt exist other than visual starwars books or the movies themselves? Really though my main question is where is a good online place to get these made for reaosnable prices but made of good quality screen accurate material with decent people to do business with? Thats the big question is could you give me good examples of where I need to go to get these costumes commissioned. Id love to hear people on this forums experiences good and bad and what I should maybe do. thanks