
There isn't too much different between them, so that is nice for costumers who want the tie but missed out :)

Nice comparison Steve!
I would like to own the new David Tennant tie, but seeing the prices on eBay, I think I'll pass.

Why spend £65 for a tie that was originally £14?! It's mad!

EDIT: Does ANYONE have one of these ties that they are willing to let go of in the price range of £20-£30? I think anything above that is a bit much for something that was £14, but I'm not insulting anyone by going lower than £20 - it's still a profit!
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That's just the price. It's unfortunate, but that's just what it is. It still comes in cheaper than what most of his ties have gone for on ebay.
Retract my statement even though the site said stock was low I just got a order cancellation message from the site saying my order could not filled
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Retract my statement even though the site said stock was low I just got a order cancellation message from the site saying my order could not filled

Ugh! Sorry to hear that.

Regarding the price, I agree that most sane people would think that paying sixty quid for a fifteen pound tie is a bit mad. But it's that kind of hobby! It will be interesting to see how this tie holds it's value. The problem with the others ties is that they got out there into the real world with people not knowing their value, so there are lots of Tennant ties sat collecting dust at the back of draws and cupboards across the UK. Huh..there's a thought, a sales rep getting egg sandwhich all over his Idiots Lantern tie, a kid cutting up a Waters of Mars for a school project...anyway, such is collecting! But the new Duffer has gotten out there en masse to Who fans so there are scores of these available. The Doctor Who tie stock exchange...
Ugh! Sorry to hear that.

Regarding the price, I agree that most sane people would think that paying sixty quid for a fifteen pound tie is a bit mad. But it's that kind of hobby! It will be interesting to see how this tie holds it's value. The problem with the others ties is that they got out there into the real world with people not knowing their value, so there are lots of Tennant ties sat collecting dust at the back of draws and cupboards across the UK. Huh..there's a thought, a sales rep getting egg sandwhich all over his Idiots Lantern tie, a kid cutting up a Waters of Mars for a school project...anyway, such is collecting! But the new Duffer has gotten out there en masse to Who fans so there are scores of these available. The Doctor Who tie stock exchange...

Yeah, I understand what you mean about the price now...I know it's expensive, but it's now an original prop...hmm.

Anyway, I think I've managed to score the slim version of this tie - just got an e-mail saying it got despatched. Just hope they don't follow up with a cancellation email...
Completely. Value, almost by definition, being what people will spend on it. In terms of an auction, being what one person is willing to spend on it. People are dropping lots on this, the gamble being of course that it could be reissued or stays in production for years. At which point, it becomes a fifteen pound tie again. We're just so used to these vanishing and never being seen again we don't want to take the chance.
So, a much as I am interested in this new tie and everything, I'm wondering about news on the Ricci tie.
Anything to report Magnoli? You said the run was starting, a week ago actually, which is fantastic news. But then no other news came, which worries me a teeny bit after the Swirly ties came out too dark before and the Giorgio ties blue.
The Ricci Tie is being made in the factory right now. Shouldn't be much longer...

I was wondering about this guys tie on your website. is it a prototype, a replica or the real deal? it looks great!
Just picked up one of the Duffer ties, glad i didn't buy one of ebay now :) I think its the slim version but it still doesn't seem that slim
The slim version does seem only fractionally thinner. Not quite sure what the thinking was there, but at least it doubled the amount of available ties.
I was wondering about this guys tie on your website. is it a prototype, a replica or the real deal? it looks great!

That guy is me! That's one of Magnoli's early prototypes. It is very nice but I am getting one of the production runs as well.
The slim version does seem only fractionally thinner. Not quite sure what the thinking was there, but at least it doubled the amount of available ties.

I have done a lot of researching and can now say the slim tie is the correct one regardless what others say. The main giveaway is the pattern. The wide tie is reversed compared to David's. it has nothing to do with the way the pattern is cut etc. All the ties I have are the same both wide and slim.
Just found this thread! My g/f got me your Swirly tie last v-day, keep up the great work Indy! I'll be adding more Tennant ties to my collection soon.
The tie I ordered from Debenhams came today! It's the slim version of the tie that David Tennant wears in the upcoming 50th anniversary special.

Haven't even worn it yet, and already, I love it!