Sr Member
Here is my first post to The RPF! Be gentle guys as it's my first SS kit and first resin kit:unsure. A little on the build. It sat around on my table for weeks as I researched, as I wanted it to be perfect. Little did I know what I was in for! At that time here on the forum there was some contention around ownership of some pics and for weeks ( it seemed to me, drooling over the idea of seeing something that would actually help me make that perfect Red 5) I would peek into the thread and see no new info available to a non member. So I printed off a couple pics watched the movie (no freeze frames or scans) and set to work, deciding against this perfect Red 5.:eek
I used brass tube and heat sinks to replace the cannons,added some carbon fiber strips to the tench in the rear of the wings to battle any possible sag. Ran a rod sown the center of the fuselage for the same. As I decided that I was no longer replicating the actual SS I left the support around the cockpit windows and placed "glass" in there to protect Luke from the vacuum of space! I was now making a SS sized model of my Red 5. It became fun after being a bit of a stress.
Etching primer was laid down,then black primer, then, still afraid of my airbrush I used a bunch of tamiya rattle cans, followed by scratching, washing, dry brushing,etc... I also used a set of weathering pastels,chalk, mascara, not exactly sure,but alcohol cleans it up and blends it nicely. I did this an hour or so a day over the course of a few weeks, let it sit for a few months and repeat. I think more than a year later here it is. I might go in and do some panel work. I am toying with the idea of adding the some inaccurate markings like the torpedo and cockpit markers from other X-Wings for some more visual interest as it isn't in hyperspace and is.
She sits in my HT awaiting the arrival of my Steve Neisen Tie Fighter to make chase down the trench:love.
I would like to thank Mike for the kit. I got it from him promptly,in perfect condition and it went together like a dream for a first timer.
Hope the pics show up.Thanks for looking and all the (unknowing) help I have received from this forum.:ninja
I used brass tube and heat sinks to replace the cannons,added some carbon fiber strips to the tench in the rear of the wings to battle any possible sag. Ran a rod sown the center of the fuselage for the same. As I decided that I was no longer replicating the actual SS I left the support around the cockpit windows and placed "glass" in there to protect Luke from the vacuum of space! I was now making a SS sized model of my Red 5. It became fun after being a bit of a stress.
Etching primer was laid down,then black primer, then, still afraid of my airbrush I used a bunch of tamiya rattle cans, followed by scratching, washing, dry brushing,etc... I also used a set of weathering pastels,chalk, mascara, not exactly sure,but alcohol cleans it up and blends it nicely. I did this an hour or so a day over the course of a few weeks, let it sit for a few months and repeat. I think more than a year later here it is. I might go in and do some panel work. I am toying with the idea of adding the some inaccurate markings like the torpedo and cockpit markers from other X-Wings for some more visual interest as it isn't in hyperspace and is.
She sits in my HT awaiting the arrival of my Steve Neisen Tie Fighter to make chase down the trench:love.
I would like to thank Mike for the kit. I got it from him promptly,in perfect condition and it went together like a dream for a first timer.
Hope the pics show up.Thanks for looking and all the (unknowing) help I have received from this forum.:ninja