ok looks like i am going to have to chime in here also!!
First up if you are buying the CD special edition for the book I tell you now DON'T, it is inaccurate in size , it is vinyl and the pics and pages even though they are of the real thing , they have been mounted as collage so you cannot make anything out of it. Believe me we tried.
I have supplied a pic of the actual DVD vinyl 4 page pretend book and a piece of paper of the actual size of the prop.
If you are buying it as a novelty and can justify the $100 or so bucks , on Ebay , but do not buy it for the book .
As far as the gossip goes , here is a quick description:
The original book even though only 5 pages or so are seen in the movie .... unless you buy the copy of the original for $5000 I think, you are not going to know what is in it.
So this is what we did:
We took popular stories through out time and conspiracies , then combined it with the known original prop photos and HAND WROTE the entire book to our version.
There is roughly 82 or so entries of presidents and about 80 inserts.
It has taken over 5 months and we are very close to completion.
There entries are very well made and thought out , and there is even a few surprises in there. There is even a few inserts and pages written by very popular people in this community.
We have talked and worked with Turboman and he has kindly helped us a fair bit. Some of the art work has been drawn by artists solely for the purpose of this book and is original.
We will be mentioning everyones names later on.
Some of you have read one or 2 including a member which has posted above me, but I cannot show any entries as this will ensure the person receiving a book , guarrantee of their investment so to speak. As you said Onkel , today everybody reproduces the Indy diary.
Ours will include incredible weathered looking leather with the logo, leather is thick and has been specially coloured to simulate prop.
binded professionaly , each page has been aged , and handwritten by many different people to simulate different styles of caligraphy. Some in ink and some not. After this they were scanned and printed, then aged.
Each insert is printed and has been stamped with ink , no photocopies , some letters will include pressed debossed logos, etc. as you can start imagining we have put a lot of work , and in fact you could say we did as much work as the real prop.
There idea of the stories may be the same as the original but the context and and plot are the incredible work of the people that wrote again solely for this book.
The book is probably a few weeks away, we will try and not put an interest list , rather be putting a sale thread with a ready to assemble and ship within days.
Not sure if I have missed anyhting but it is a little too early at the moment.
Taz or myself will be posting some pics this week on the actual prop for progress, and feel free to contact Taz or myself with any questions you may have.
thank you