My WIP Cosmic Cube


Master Member
I have had this on the shelf for a while, and finally got a chance to take a pic or two of it before the hurricane destroys my state :angry

I originally wanted to try some sort of "space vista" look to the inside of it, but couldn't really find a decent star map. I thought about planets or something like that, but couldn't find any decent 3d laser ones.

I decided to do my own semi custom version instead, and I think it has turned out pretty cool. The cracks only go about 1/4" deep, but each side has it's own unique form so when you look at it from any side it looks like the entire thing is about to shatter.

I still need to decide if I want it to be transparent red or yellow, but I have the base figured out at least :)


I dont know if thats from a show or a movie or anyhting but it looks very nice and would look pretty cool if it was blue.
I dont know if thats from a show or a movie or anyhting but it looks very nice and would look pretty cool if it was blue.

The Cosmic cube is a handy dandy thing-a-ma-bob from marvel comics. Very much the Ultimate in things to have if you want to control the world. I made one myself with some frosting spray paint on a plexi-glass cube.

I like the starfield idea. For 3d starfields what format would you need the image in to pull that off. I might be able to get something for you.