I dry fitted the main hulls and wings together.

Here's a comparison shot with the Old Monogram Raider...

And a shot with the Moebius 1/32 Colonial Viper, with a Starbuck for scale...

You know, I think the new one is technically studio scale ...
Technically, so is the old Monogram kit, because they used two or three of them in "The Hand of God", the final episode of the original series (in the background of the Cylon hangar when Apollo and Starbuck infiltrate the Basestar).

Getting back to the new Moebius kit, I'm really undecided on whether or not I'm going to get one. I really don't have the space to display a 17" x 13" kit, but the Cylon Raider has been one of my favorite sci-fi designs ever since Battlestar Galactica premiered in 1978, so...maybe this thread will put me firmly in the "Gotta have it" camp.
Mine is due to To arrive this week from a Cultvman preorder. I knew it was bigger than the old kit, but didn't realize it was this much bigger! Maybe I can use both my old kits for a ceiling hanging "forced perspective" display?
wow, I knew it was going to be bigger, but didnt realize how much so now that I see it compared to the old kit. Cant wait to get mine in this week
I have started to Airbrush the shading and weathering...The model can be disassembled at a later date when I add my lighting...

I scratch built new laser cannons and replaced the kits part. I also added some scratch build parts to the area aft of the cockpit as the molded in area was too soft...

Added weathering, and detailed the laser cannon tips. The cockpit Is removable, as I plan on scratch building the area at a later date...I still need to add the decals and install the lighting.

Here is the build up so far...

I still need to add the lighting to the engines and two "head lights" The cockpit is removable as I am Scratch Building an interior, or getting an after market kit...Which ever one comes first.

Very nice build and great paint. I guess I need to get myself one of these too, as well as the Viper in 1/32.
It looks amazing, you did a fantastic paint job. I just got a bunch in last night and i am so happy with how well they stuck to the studio model, the only thing i want to mod is the strips on the canopy, on the studio model they were not filled in underneath the strip.

Again, fantastic build and can't wait to see it with lights. I think you may be the first to build and paint one, other than the sample...
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