My Thoughts on the Gears of War 3 Beta


Well-Known Member
Okay, prepare yourself for a little bit of rage as I've been getting increasingly frustrated with this game.

First off, the new weapons
Retro Lancer:
The Retro Lancer was a good idea, but wasn't exactly implemented in the best way. It's designed for close quarters, but is too underpowered to be used for close quarters due to the abhorrent use of the shotguns. It's mid range effectiveness is alright and I've gotten a fair amount of kills with it. I don't blame it's close quarters ineffectiveness on the design of it so much as the Gnasher's beefed up damage and accuracy.

Sawn-Off (Double Barrel) Shotgun
A well designed weapon for extremely close encounters and is a great tool for modes like KotH (Formerly known as Annex) as it provides a quick way to eliminate 2 enemies that may be close together when attacking the circle. My one complaint is how overused it is. People constantly rushing with it makes it an incredibly annoying weapon and should not have been implemented as a starter weapon, but as a map weapon

Digger Launcher
Probably my favorite new weapon. Designed to be an anti campers tool, it fires an explosive that burrows underground and jumps up and explodes in the face of the first enemy it encounters. It works marvelously well, however it does have the slight drawback of corners. It will sometimes sense an enemy and jump out too early leaving them virtually untouched. But it can be helpful to root out the annoying shotgun camper from time to time.

The One-Shot
As it's name suggests, the One-Shot is a one-shot one-kill weapon. It spawns with 3 shots and does require you to scope in very far. It also requires a moment to charge up so use it wisely.

With the new weapons out of the way, I'm onto the part where I might rage a bit, my list of problems with the gameplay.

EPIC made a HUGE mistake when the power and accuracy of the Gnasher Shotgun was increased. Not only is it more accurate, but also more likely to be a one shot kill without even aiming. It's become an incredibly annoying weapon because it's all people seem to use and it renders the Retro Lancer useless in some cases because if you're close enough to use the Retro, you're close enough to use the Gnasher. And the Gnasher will WIN! I'm sorry, but from the first game, I thought having a shotgun secondary was a mistake, and EPIC has made it truer with each game.

Another issue I have is with a map. Thrashball is a very one sided map. If you can take the upper floor in TDM, you're guaranteed a win. Not only does a Mulcher spawn there, but it provides a high vantage point over the rest of the map, and is designed to make it difficult for a team to take it from the other. The abundance of cover set into the back of the room makes it near impossible to reach the enemy without being blown to smithereens by a shotgun.

There aren't a whole lot of positives I can say about the new multiplayer. With hip firing accuracy increased, the Gnasher is the gun from god. And I don't completely blame EPIC Games for the issues I've been having with the Beta. While some of the things they did seem like mistakes, they wouldn't be if we had a gaming community that like to play fair. It's more the players fault than it is the fault of EPIC. People all over the Gears forums have been complaining about the Gnasher and Sawn-Off, and Cliff Bleszinsky even asked the community, through the forums, to stop abusing the shotguns. The biggest problem with the Gears multiplayer has always been the players unwillingness to play the game the way it was designed to be played:angry


Okay, Rant over.
Basically, it's no better than the previous Gear of War multiplayer except that it requires less skill to play.
I HATE the shotgun. It's way too powerful. It seems guys are just rushing with it and boom, you're dead. I've had to resort to hiding at corners and chainsawing the shotgun guys as they run past. It totally ruins the game for me.
I HATE the shotgun. It's way too powerful. It seems guys are just rushing with it and boom, you're dead. I've had to resort to hiding at corners and chainsawing the shotgun guys as they run past. It totally ruins the game for me.
Yeah, I know the feeling, I just run around impaling people with my Retro Lancer now and then use the Gnasher on whoever is left. It's what it's come to.
I think the game is amazing, and I don't mind the shotguns at all, being on both sides of it takes getting used to.. your just gonna have to adapt... Plus my team has taken the controlled Thrashball upper tier plenty of times.. It's a challenge, but that's what makes it fun
The shotgun was always a powerful weapon but I agree it's just TOO powerful in this beta. Hopefully they change it before the final release!!!
I don't care if this is old or not, I just want to say thanks for the lol. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.