My Sliders Display.

believe me slider timers are kinda hard to come by. I would love to have the cell version. could you pm me with someone who could make one?
awesome display, you have them all!
I bought mine from Don Colie around 5-6 years ago and after a few tries (the first he mailed me had structural problems) I received an amazing replica that I display proudly. Admittedly the batteries for that model of cell phone are becoming scarce and don't last very long, so I hardly turn mine on anymore (is there anyone who can modify the battery to just run on AAs?). Here's a youtube link showing his work YouTube - SLIDERS TIMER REPLICA It cost me slightly less because I guess I was one of his first customers, but I am a huge fan of the show and since there are no better alternatives I have never regretted it.
I bought mine from Don Colie around 5-6 years ago and after a few tries (the first he mailed me had structural problems) I received an amazing replica that I display proudly. Admittedly the batteries for that model of cell phone are becoming scarce and don't last very long, so I hardly turn mine on anymore (is there anyone who can modify the battery to just run on AAs?). Here's a youtube link showing his work YouTube - SLIDERS TIMER REPLICA It cost me slightly less because I guess I was one of his first customers, but I am a huge fan of the show and since there are no better alternatives I have never regretted it.
I have been building a replica timer for a long time now, like 10 years lol, and back then I bought a battery pack that takes 6 AA batteries. I am not sure if they are still around now?
I always wanted a Don Colie timer! Is your's just like the one in the youtube video, emerld? Sound and everything?
@helixform: OMG I have a ton of AA batteries I never use! If I could find that kind of battery pack I would probably carry my timer on me all the time to see if I could always remember to open the gate, but as it is I just leave it uncharged as to not wear out the rechargeable battery. Not sure if that is how to make it last, really.

@ Jr. Jones: It doesn't have the wires at the bottom, which he said were in the pilot but removed in the later eps, which I prefer. But yep, lights and sounds for the time/days/readings--the first time I saw the spinning 00:00:00 was just a joy. The green column of lights even indicate your battery life! The dial rim doesn't light up when you turn it (like in the show), instead he just put a red painted indicator that shows through a clear rim around the dial and it works fine. The best part is you can program in a time that the timer counts down from, but if you try to "slide" before the timer is up, it'll just set a random amount of time til the next window--and if you don't "slide" when that time runs out, it'll just start counting up! It is seriously the best replica I could ever have hoped for (and I hoped REALLY hard!)

I am trying to charge the battery right now, after which I will post pics.
Well, glad to see my battery was still working! Here are some pics, and I posted a video of it on youtube showing only some of the basic functions.