My Scratchbuilt Galactic Marine 99% Completed


Well-Known Member
Well, here i am, after three years i was starting to believe i would never write a topic like this...

I started this project almost three years ago, i wanted to make a clonetrooper, and i choose the GM because i thought it was a good choice for "larger" guys like me. Since the very beginning i decided that i wanted to make everything from scratch... well i worked insanely hard the last month and yesterday i made my first troop with the 501st Italica Garrison (i've been a recruit for three years now!) and here are a bunch of pictures for you guys!

This week end we had a major convention here in Rome, and i worked hard to build and set up the huge 501st boot we had this year. We had Jeremy Bullock as a special guest and i also had to attend the Spaghetti Prop (the Prop Forum i created last year) boot... Anyway i manage to complete the costume enough to be worn decently: still missing bicep bandolier, chest armor and chest bandolier greeblies, belt greeblies and straps to the kama, and kama grey border. Also the cowl is still to be made properly, the one in the pics was glued in place 5 minutes before i wore the costume.










The blaster is a Hyperfirm my friend Dark-Side gave me for the event, since i still need one.

You can find the progress thread here:

comments and suggestion are very well welcome!
it is a plastic wwii american helmet i bought for 10 dollars and i modified it with sintra and a lot of bondo :)