My new Screen used prop is on the way


Official Licensee
Winner gets a attaboy
Hint: its not my hand holding is and its coming from the set in San Francisco

Originally posted by d_osborn@Feb 10 2006, 05:41 PM
san fran... kinda science lab-looking... i'll say set dressing from HULK.
There definitly is science involved with it. But not from hulk.
Its from TV
I think you mentioned possibly getting the "gas" container from mythbusters...
I was gonna sy Mythbusters too.
teecrooz beat me to it. Maybe they will make fun of you on the air for buying it.
Chris always win my contests.
It is a flatulance containment unit from an upcoming episode of mythbusters

I got that and a few other goodies coming.
The question is... when you get it, are you going to see if it's still holding what it was meant to? :eek:
Originally posted by teecrooz@Feb 11 2006, 10:07 AM
The question is... when you get it, are you going to see if it's still holding what it was meant to?  :eek:
No he washed it thank god
Cool prop..though gas from Adam may be potent enough to still be around...and potentially dangerous!
Gotta love necro threads !

As if it would have EVER occurred to me to search for "flatulance containment unit" :wacko

Now I know it exists :lol