My lifesized Hellboy


Master Member
This was made for a local promo for the opening of the new Hellboy movie. He stands 6ft 2in and in addition to it being a lifesized piece it's also a fully wearable costume. Features real leather pants, customized duster, hand made rosary, full tooled leather holster, custom leather glove for his left hand, repainted Sideshow Right hand of Doom, custom head, muscle padding and spandex shirt. My only regret is that I ran out of time and never made a tail. :cry Also, no Samaritan was available at the time so I stuck (don't laugh) Indiana Jones' revolver in the holster. I was really under the gun to get this sucker finished but the client loves it. After his use this weekend, it will come back into my hands for sale here on the RPF or eBay. Anyway, just wanted you guys to see my version of Big Red. Next week he will be for sale here if anyone is interested. Now, the pics (please be kind as he's my first custome lifesized build) Enjoy.








As always, thanks to Wackychimp for making my sharing the pics of Hellboy possible. :)
Wow. Wow. I am amazed. Can I please come over and play with Hellboy!

Man, Friday night I am going to be one happy Hellboy fan!!!

Hellboy is really outstanding. Funky did a great job. This thing is a pleasure to see in real life. I did not even notice that he was missing his tail.


Great Work!
Great leather work there. It looks really good. Did you do all of that as well?

Thanks so much guys. I never realized how much I missed until I sat back and looked at the pics I posted. I'm going to fatten up the legs a bit more (I think they still look too skinny) and I completely forgot to put the patch on his duster! :confused
Looks GREAT dude :thumbsup. Very COOL :thumbsup.
I too am waiting for the film to open, with great anticipation!!!
Later, Petseal
Bulkier legs and a bigger, more muscular chest. He looks too skinny.

Other then that, looks great. Nice attention to detail.
I know it's hard to tell from the pics with him wearing a matte black shirt and the coat, but the muscle padded chest we made for him makes him VERY "barrel chested" but alas, the pics don't represent that. In person, you can even see his cut abs in the shirt!
Now the legs, I most definately agree need to be beefed up.
Sure. I have some close up pics at home, I'll post them later tonight. The cross itself I made from scraps of cheap wood then stained and weathered. The chain was a cheapo necklace from Michael's. The wodden beads (which just happened to be a dead on match) were found in a local craft store in a bag of assorted wooden beads. The St. Christopher medal I already had. All of these and a pair of needle nosed pliers and an hour later, presto. Instant rosary. I didn't put a little ****** figure on it because, well, it just didn't feel right, you know? I may still later when I do all the upgrades.
I agree that the legs should be beefed up some - other than that it looks awesome! Mignola would be proud. ;)