My Lame attempt to be an Ironette - HAHAHA

izabel said, "i did mine in 3 days. robert made his overnight like around 6 hours?"

/\ Robert has an Ironette costume too? And it took him 6 hours to make?

<Feeling sullied and unusual right now!>

I keed! Still you guys produce spectacular costumes and inspire us to create!

:lol i think i mentioned in the earlier post that DR made a mech test suit. lol. - that he made in 6 hours. :rolleyes

Nothing lame about that, quite the contrary

thanks. :)

I love everything you guys have done. This is no exception! Gorgeous. I woulda lined up for a pic with you ;)

lol. there was no line really.

What'd ya use for the repulsars on the hands?

wall lamps. attached it via velcro on the hand strap and on the chest. :)

you two are awesome , i always enjoy seeing your threads

thanks. :)

3 Days, thats impressive. Nice work!

well not entirely 3 days. i work on it after work. lol. so i get to start around 12 then try to stop by 3 or 4am. so roughly yeah its around 9-12 hours total.:eek
Love the hair!

thanks. :$

In keeping with this thread;

I'll say that is a well made costume, fellow prop maker.

:lol thank you.

Looking good! :)


Get Don to make you a Feminine Iron Suit. That would be awesome.

:rolleyes don't worry we will. might do a rescue suit + i'll have one bad ass battle damaged mk VI suit of my own. can't wait for it to be finished.
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