My Lame attempt to be an Ironette - HAHAHA

Gotta agree with the majority here. Costume looks great!

Nothin' lame about it at all!

I agree with all the above, well done and well worn!

thank you!

I think you look great. I would never have guessed you put it all together so quickly. I suspect nobody else would either, so good job at making a quality costume that fast.

:lol thanks. it was another impromptu costume we decided to

Not lame at all! You guys do some great work, I wish we could get you up here to the States to do a series of classes on the convention circuit.

Fabulous job!

woooo! that would be awesome. how i wish!:rolleyes

This is cool! I need me an ironette!!!

:lol go for it! start auiditioning! lol.

Whatever the opposite of lame is, that what this is. Good work as always!

Thanks. :)

agreed. You look fantastic. especially don robert's test flight costume. aha. maybe i could join you guys sometime. ehehehe


If that's 3 days, I can only imagine what takes you guys a while! Looks awesome. :)

:lol i did mine in 3 days. robert made his overnight like around 6 hours?

Excellent, Izabel, and you look very beautiful in it! Your partner is a lucky man!


Major WOW in my book !!!

:) thanks.

I hate fake thread titles. Where's the "lame" attempt? This one looks just fine to me.

wah! i made the title because i felt i didn't do well in it. i felt soooo fat. hahaha.
Nice job!

thanks. :$

holy cow... it doesnt take metal to fight evil....

spandex is just fine.:love

nyahaha! i think most of the superheroes do wear spandex...and sometimes they wear their pants on before their underwear....errr...paging batman & superman? hahaha!

Awesome as always!

Quick copywright "Ironette"! :lol

honestly, people didn't know the ironettes. they thought it was just some random femme version of IM. they even called me iron they know it's IM based but they didn't know what it was. :lol

Gotta agree with the majority here. Costume looks great!

Nothin' lame about it at all!


thanks chris.

I see no flaws in that!


Wow cute outfit, and great hair! :thumbsup

haha. thanks. it's the loli version ironette because of the hair. haha. wanted something different. :)

wheres the hot dance video hehehe:)

My attempt to be an HOT Ironette - MMMMMMMM

i'll have to work on that. ;) lol.

I think this about sums it up:

:love :love :love

You look great!

thank you!:$
izabel said, "i did mine in 3 days. robert made his overnight like around 6 hours?"

/\ Robert has an Ironette costume too? And it took him 6 hours to make?

<Feeling sullied and unusual right now!>

I keed! Still you guys produce spectacular costumes and inspire us to create!
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