My Indiana Jones gear


Well-Known Member
I feel funny posting these, but, Im feeling a little inspired so why not.



Indy became a big part of my life in the last few years. Out of all my costumes or projects, thats the one I know is the most fun wearing. I always seem to end up on an adventure in my gear too.
Great shots, and cool lighting too. Can you give us a break down of your gear?

I just posted some shots of my own gear in the "It's that time of year" thread myself.

No need to feel funny, this is why we're here.
My hat is an Akubra standard, bashed by me. The jacket is a Wested TOD, I didnt have my Todd's Raiders yet. Shirt is Todd's, pants are from somwhere else, Todd shoes, Todd Bag, ebay whip, airsoft gun, and my own fuller's earth.
Thanks! there is alot more photos, but I forget how many you are allowed to post before the mods beat you.
Yeah but they hit like school girls...! :p

Note to myself : find out where PHArchivist lives and show him how hard a 180 pound school girl can hit :lol

Great get up , great photos ! You really look the part, with a distant resemblance to Ford !

Post away with photos, I can´t remember that we ever had a limit on number of photos ?! Just make them small in file size so it doesn´t take ages to load.
Seeing you in your gear really makes me want to do Indy for next Halloween but I want to save that character for when I'm a little older. I'm 29 now and I know that I will want to 'dress up' for as long as I live. When I am in my middle-aged years and above, the list of characters I can pull off is going to be slim - so Indy is one I am saving...but I guess I could do young Indy now...
Where did you get all your gear?
Wow, thats an Akubra? That's one of the better looking Akubras I've seen! And I'm wearing my Fed IV today!
Hey man, I was just wondering if you were still alive. Haven't seen you over at COW in a while.

Gear is looking great!
Guys are making me blush here. Ok, here's a few more.


LC jacket in novapelle, Akubra LC bash, and home made grail diary.

Great photos again.......really great photography! My fav is that last one.....Indy ready to spring into action! Nice one.....
