My ID/Badge Collection! DRAGNET,Without a Trace, NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-0...

Re: My ID/Badge Collection! DRAGNET,Without a Trace, NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-

Can you provide a link to from where you got the NCIS case?
Great collection btw ^^
Re: Updates to my ID/Badge/Sidearm Collection! NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-0...

As mentioned earlier in the thread... :)

I've gotten pretty much all of my ID cases and badge holders from EPoliceSupply. My NCIS case is by Strong Leather though I'm sure Perfect Fit has something similar too.
Re: My ID/Badge Collection! DRAGNET,Without a Trace, NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-

Love the Gibbs ID And badge set buddy, very cool and nice collection!
Re: My ID/Badge Collection! DRAGNET,Without a Trace, NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-

I was wondering were you got the 714 badge with the "Detective" rank panel?
Re: My ID/Badge Collection! DRAGNET,Without a Trace, NCIS, Life On Mars, Hawaii Five-

Really great stuff! again, as FensteR said so well. thanks. It's great to have people like FensteR that say thanks. Thanks FensteR!

- - - Updated - - -

wow says it all! again, as FensteR said so well. thanks. It's great to have people like FensteR that say thanks. Thanks FensteR!