My Han ESB Blaster Showoff/Critique


Master Member
Well, I have been switching around parts on my Han ESB blaster for years and years now, and I finally have it at a point where I feel it's showoff worthy. Or close enough.

It still needs some work and accurate parts here and there. The scope bolts are wrong, but the threads on any that anyone makes here are too small for the threads in my scope. And that's my own fault. It's one of those bronze cast scopes, and I'd really like to put lenses in it, but I understand that's a tough process. I have all the parts to do it, though, and I'd really like to see that happen at some point.

I made the scope mount knobs myself quite some time ago from 303 stainless steel. The mount is a CE.

I'd also like to put some wood grips on this sucker, too! Dunno if I'll get around to it, but I think that along with the scope lenses would really tie the whole thing together.

It might could use a repaint, some of the weathering is unintentional, it's just where paint chipped off from me working on it. I was just too excited to do any touch-ups before I shot the photos.

I wanted so long to have an accurate flash hider, and I was in talks with some peeps about making some, but life got in the way. I was lucky enough to score this one on eBay. A fella in Argentina (dunno if he's on the boards, I can't keep up anymore) made this one. I think it's still just a hair too small, and some other areas could be just a tad different for my taste, but it's the closest one I've found. I just had to take it to school today and bore the through hole a tad larger so it would fit over the barrel. I weathered it myself with a lighter, matte clear coat and my fingernail. :lol

Overall, I'm pretty stoked about this blaster finally nearing completion. I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions from you all. I've never been great at painting and I'm not sure if I like the finish on the scope or even the blaster body itself. I know I don't want it glossy, maybe there's just too much weathering. I dunno.

Anyway, here are the thumbnails.

It looks Han Tastic! :)

The ESB Han is my favorite too... more compact than the long-sighted ANH guns, and bright metal accents... swanky!

ESB Luke being a close second. The fact of it being a "standard" pistol in ESB (and not Han's unique gun) does dilute the love a bit, but hey it's a great gun anyway. :thumbsup

- k
Nice! I'm especially envious of your flash hider. I have a Blasttech on mine that I'm happy with, but yours is really great.
Thanks a lot, guys! Yeah, thanks Chingon, the flash hider is really what this sucker needed. I liked the yodashouse, but it's just too darn small. BTW that's the scope you sold me on there! Thanks again. :)
Great ESB blaster with alot of good looking parts. I also particularly like the flash suppressor :) :thumbsup