My Guyver 2 vinyl head kit, WIP


Sr Member
Hey Guys,
Here is my WIP of a guyver 2 vinyl head kit.
Currently, I'm testing fitup of the various chromed bulbs, the clear resin cast eye lens and the small clear resin center forehead bulb. I still need to paint the ring around the large center chromed bulb. The bulbs are just stucked using some blue colored goop. I planned on installing LED to the clear resin pieces (2 eye lens, small forehead bulb). Also in work is a display stand with a base shaped like a G Unit.

Hopefully pics will follow.


The bulbs are actually christmas globes..some plastic, some glass.
I sculpted the lens in clay, then mold and cast in clear resin. Same with the small forehead globe. Still a work in progress.
Liking your work, lookin' good so you don't see many Guyver II units around. The colour looks great, really intense, what kind of paint is it?
The paint is a base of Rustoleum Hammered paint for plastic , silver color. Mult layers of grey wash. Then airbrushed with multi coats of Createx transparent yellow. I tried to get it to look more yellow, but it losted some of the metalic sheen. Its a yellow/green metalic type of look.
Amazing work. I'm responding to this thread because I am currently recording the English dubs for ADV's Guyver series as Guyver 3. Yeah, I'm Makishima/Guyver 3 and it's amazing to me the fan base out there. I also did Joe's voice for Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets for ADV and that was a helluva good time.

Great work on the Guyver head. You've really impressed me with your skill.

Excellent Job on that... The paintjob is pretty awesome :thumbsup
I used the same method a few years back using ornaments for my Guyver 1 Sculpt
(The breathers were temporarily attached in this picture, I couldn't decide if I wanted them in or out)

Looking at yours makes me want a Guyver 2 helmet too :love
Keep up the great work.

Thanks for the comments.
I plan on using alot of the same methods.. christmas globes, metalic paint and led lited eyes lens/forehead bulb on a Guyver I helmet kit ( my next purchase)
Nice work on your sculpt. Its hard to tell, but what size is your sculpt?
RacerMachX - I'd love to see that guy all lit up :thumbsup

About the size of the Guyver 1, the thing it's sitting on is a standard female foam head. I wanted the proportions to fit my tiny head, so it doesn't fit most of the people I know :D
I've looked for years for an anime version of the Guyver 1 helmet but have had zero luck. I'm in the process of making a Guyver 2 helmet, but would LOVE to have a Guyver 1. This is going to be my next costume for Dragon Con. :love