My Green Lantern movie Ring

I will probably let someone else take a stab at that as I am quite busy with the whole ring thing and all...I don't know why though! lol
Any chance of you making a movie power battery? I know alot of people don't like the movie power battery, but there is always a group that will want one to complete thier GL collection. Besides we need a way to charge the wonderful rings you are making. Great work on the movie ring as well as all your other GL rings. Loving them all.
hey, i circled where you can see that the green is actualy clear or clear with a tint of green, and is posibly painted green on the bottom to give it the effect of being green. the rings look awesome. i was searching ebay and saw your ring and it was at something like $225! congrats on that but i hope the price goes down when you do a run of these!:lol
The problem is, and this cannot be stressed enough...

you're looking at the picture of the CGI ring. It IS NOT REAL!

The one in Ryan Reynolds' hand is the real, physical prop that was built for the movie! :cool

When designing the CGI version, all they had to think about was how they wanted the ring to look. They didn't have to think about the realities of building a physical prop that matches that look.

Batjeepster/customizedhero, the Sinestro ring is an interesting first take. But if I were to design the Sinestro ring for the movie, the metal would be GOLD colored (either real gold, gold-plated, or brass) as the yellow power rings are said to be made of a yellow metal called Qwardamite. ;)

Oh, and good job on the texture! I'm not yet sure if it matches the texture on the real prop, but it looks good nonetheless! :cool :thumbsup
I'll have to give the Gold texture a shot. I am pretty sure the band is a lot bumpier but as chunky as the ring is. It just seems that it would be uncomfortable.
I wanted to show you guys my anodized Aluminum / Resin face and non Resin custom Gem center Movie ring as well.(y)thumbsdown Any Questions pm me.


I'll have to give the Gold texture a shot. I am pretty sure the band is a lot bumpier but as chunky as the ring is. It just seems that it would be uncomfortable.
It's hard to tell from the images we have so far. Really, our best look at the band has come from the promotional replica that was sent out to "the great and the good*", which we already know is NOT 100% accurate to the movie prop. Nexnox pointed out some of the most glaring inaccuracies, but was curiously silent on the subject of the texture. I'd like more images of the real prop so we can tell whether the texture on the promo ring's band is accurate or not.

Oh, and I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that this topic really belongs in the Replica PROPS Forum, rather than Replica Costumes. ;)

*Read as "the rich & the spoiled". :rolleyes
In various ring threads, people keep suggesting putting foil in the green part of the ring, but from all of the screen caps, the green part is crystal clear. The sparkle and texture you see is the detail on the metal part of the ring, showing through the transparent green part of the ring.

Actually, Im not so sure about that.While you may be correct I don't think we have seen a good enough picture of the ring to know that for sure. The best pic of it that I have seen is the cgi version, and to me that version looks like the texture is an internal property of the green material.
Check again. Oh, and there are other non-published pictures.
It sure must be nice to have access to said pictures. Apparently there's several RPFers that are just that lucky... or have the right connections. And here I am, I was officially dubbed a "Green Lantern Super Fan" several years ago (over on the DC Comics Official GL Message Board, back in the days when it was still worth going to) and nobody's seen fit to send those images my way. So, yeah, must be nice. :unsure
Check again. Oh, and there are other non-published pictures.

I have seen the picture that you posted, but the green part of the ring is on the shadow side. So there is not enough light shining through the green to make out any texture, whether it be reflected from the metal or actually part of the green.

As for the unpublished pictures, since most of us have not seen them we can't really comment one way or the other on them.
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Give the green resin parts a layer of clear coat or lacquer for more of a clear crystal look. Clear resin often comes out looking fuzzy like that. It will make the green parts much more clear.
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I think it looks great. Wondering if you had any plans to modify the design to more closely match the WB ring all the celebs received?
Please do a run of these. It would deffinetly bring in money for those Triplets you got coming.LOL

Seriously sell me one before I go all RED LANTERN RAGE!!!!.LOL
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